ID: #600104 | Status:

Orcfax: trustworthy Cardano oracles


Smart contract developers need reliable real-world facts but there are no *standards-based* Cardano oracles providing authentic information.


Use industry standards for information provenance to create a truly trustworthy oracle specification and free software that implements it.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Orcfax: trustworthy Cardano oracles.

Total funds requested
Distributed: $49,500
Remaining: $0
In Progress
To be completed
Total Votes
Votes Yes
Votes No

About this idea

NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here


Team led by professional archivist with 20 years experience developing the world's most widely deployed trustworthy digital archives system.

Peter Van Garderen
Peter Van Garderen