Is there a way to outplay the scammer?
This is the total amount allocated to Anti-scam & anti-fraud campaign.
Making people fair treated and satisfied is in the core of Cardano ideology. People are coming. But good sign is when people are staying.
Less scammed and lied people among Cardano community.
Less leaving people and more newcomers.
Less fake and more real world.
Increased community interest;
Increased reputation;
Increased number of investors;
Decreased scam and fraud complaints;
Dedicated campaign for research and development of anti-fraud and anti-scam activities
* Analysis of social media platforms and connected risks of initiation of scam/fraud activities
O Anti-scam and anti-fraud activities
Corrective actions – "Eyes of the AI" – Release search-and-report applications on internet social and media platforms. Search along media content with title check including phrases like "Cardano giveaway", "Cardano free rewards", "free ADA", "Cardano CEO", "Charles Hoskinson giveaway", etc. Actions against cloned software with malicious purposes also must become present.
- Shared Cardano content must be approved additionally.
Preventive actions – "Do you know about us?" - contact every social platform that Cardano participates in and negotiate anti-scam/fraud legislations.
- Develop and negotiate International Cardano legislation Standards.
- Develop and present "terms of use and conditions"/contracts/legislation papers to every internet social and media platform.
- Perform research on strained social and media platforms and consider legislation complaints – stress anti-scam/fraud awareness among social and media platforms and the crypto community.
* Community information awareness
O Spread anti-scam/fraud campaign information and problem report process among social and media platforms.
- Where and how to report issues
- What proof is needed – pictures, stats, active connections etc.