How can we create an environment for seamless (no extra fee/delay) integration b/w ADA and FIAT?
This is the total amount allocated to DeFi/CeFi Cardano&...TBC in Fund 7.
For Cardano to become a World FinOS, the integration b/w ADA and FIAT must be seamless.
Wide user adoption of ADA, Spending ADA at stores, broader audience served.
Monthly user transaction volumes, Number of users onboarded monthly, number of accounts, number of international transactions issued monthly, etc.
Why do we need this type of environment? To become a World Financial OS. THIS is how we change the world.
I have a solution, which will be given in Fund 7 (I'm not saying this in attempt to corner the challenge. I'm telling you this so you know it's 100% feasible.)
This Proposal Solves the "Philippines Problem".
*Proposal received over 200 Kudos in previous funding round.
Once the transition between $ADA and FIAT and back is easier and cheaper for consumers than going from one FIAT to another (ex: USD to YEN), $ADA will become a world currency by default…
The funding request amount is due to not only cost of development but also the creation of liquidity pools.