Voters need accessible, insightful + digestible educational resources to learn about 150+ funded Catalyst project's progress and the system.
Creating insightful, educational, pro-video stories about some Catalyst funded proposals, which inspire newcomers to join and learn more.
This is the total amount allocated to The Catalyst Story by Adatruth.
Watch the pilot episode below.
We intend to create 1 video per month. 5-8 minutes long.
Every video should follow 2-3 proposers / funded teams and their story. The format is structured as an educational and inspirational programme. The Cardano community and a global audience can learn about Project Catalyst and the unique stories of each funded proposal.
The plan is to deliver 3 videos in total after the Fund 6 winners annoucement.
The first one will be delivered in November, the second one in December 2020 and the last one in January 2021.
If the Catalyst Stories are a success, we'd ask for more funds to create more stories in Fund 7.
This approach is great for existing proposers too, because they get a slot to talk about their project, and the video can be distributed with ease on multiple platforms and with interested stakeholders.
Furthermore, it will inspire others to follow a similar path via Project Catalyst.
The videos are distributed on our website via Vimeo and then organically to the viewers.
I need help here. I'm not a Youtuber, never will be. In essence I'm a documentary filmmaker and I intend to stay one. So I can create the content, but I need a marketing specialist who knows how to deliver the videos to a wider audience.
I still see the best option in IOHK's YT channel or as a part of Cardano 360. Not sure whether this is possible.
In the future I'd like to broadcast my work on TV but it's too soon at this stage.
I have a small crew of TV professionals and story tellers who are working with me on the project.
Watch the pilot episode for this here:
Your thoughts?
Affiliated proposals:
- 15 years of TV & Film – mostly documentaries
- Several festival awards for editing
- Best Documentary Film Award (2020)
- Educator