ID: #600075 | Status:
In progress

Give Users security and confidence


Obscuring the truth is how phishing attacks and scams common in cryptocurrency convince people to take action against their interests.


A metadata standard for Ricardian Contracts. Paired with Smart Contracts, they serve as human-readable, verifiable representations of intent

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Give Users security and confidence.

Total funds requested
Distributed: $15,500
Remaining: $0
In Progress
To be completed
Total Votes
Votes Yes
Votes No

About this idea

Monthly report

NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here

Progress report

On track: No
Estimated completion date:

Progress report

On track: No
Estimated completion date:


Financial markets software engineering, cryptocurrency payments, start-ups, data & Govtech, impact investing. Organize legal-tech community.

yümi & ai
yümi & ai
Robert O'Brien
Robert O'Brien