Problem is metadata which created by factories during production.
This Metada needs to be 'Collect - Evaluate - Keep in secure for years '
Solution ;
*All metadata will be entered to Cardano BC.
*Customers could reach to any information that is about production in anytime.
This is the total amount allocated to Metadata in Production.
Biggest metadata producers are '' Factories '' .There are too much ınformations that need to be collect , keep in secure , and evaluate.
Thousands of documents are creating in every minutes that are related to production.
If we can use Cardano Blockchain Network to collect , keep secure and evaluate metadata from production , that means all related workers , engineers , managers and machines need to be enter system.
That means ''Millions of new users for Cardano Ecosystem ''
Project targets ;
Target 1 ) We will create ID for any personel who works ın production.
Target 2 ) All ınformations about personel who has ID will be entered to system. Personel ınformation , education ınformation , abilities , production successes , failures about production , quality issues , absenteeism status , special certificates and etc.
Note : Target 2 will be created ''millions of new users for Cardano ecosystem ''
Target 3 ) All machines and equipments will be described with ID and entered to system. This ID will contains all information like ;
**Activation date
**Maintanence history
**Failures that happen on that machine
Target 4 ) All raw materials will be described with ID and entered to system. This ID will contains all information like ;
** Material properties
** Seller informations .
** Dimensional controls
Target 5 ) All necessary production documents like ;
**When production was started and ended ?
**Whic raw material was used ? ( Target 4 )
** How many pieces or process has been completed ?
** Who was responsible for this process. ( Target 2 )
**Which machine or equipment was used ? (Target 3 )
**All maintanences was completed before process ? (Target 3 )
**All Quality control processes was completed ? ( First control - Middle control - End control )
** Which Faults was happened during process ?
All these documents will be entered to system when they created during production. After that , customers who want to buy any ıtem from this factory could know that ;
**Who was produced . Was this person suitable for this process?
**Which raw material was used ? Was this raw material suitable for this project ?
**Which machines was used during production ? Was this machine suitable for this process ?
**All quality informations which was created during production. Is this part / item is correct ?
**All informations about timing . Could this supplier could catch delivery date ?
In same time all these ınformations will create own sub- ecosystem like personel ID . For example ;
When a worker / Engineer wants enter to new job with different company , this company could reach any ınformations from his Personel ID . All sucesses or faults , experiences etc.These informations could not be change or dissapper because of our Cardano Blockchain ecosystem.
So , to reach these type of incredible informations , all factories will start to enter this eco-system.
Also just imagine that , when customers starts to reach all these informations they will start to select these type of products which they can reach any informations like that.
Biggest difference from classical servers , '' These informations could not be change or disappear.
Another benefit will be creating new supply chains for big global companies.
Normally , when global companies wants to give some orders to '' producer factories '' they want to reach same question's answers ;
**Who was produced . Was this person suitable for this process?
**Which raw material was used ? Was this raw material suitable for this project ?
**Which machines was used during production ? Was this machine suitable for this process ?
**All quality informations which was created during production. Is this part / item is correct ?
**All informations about timing . Could this supplier could catch delivery date ?
To check answer of these questions , they need to send 3rd party auditors to these factories. But it is not possible to control all these metadata during any Audit. Also Costs are really high when they want to chose developing countries like '' Africa , middle -east , Asia ''
When we carry on all these ınformations to Cardano Blockchain , they don't need to send any 3rd Parties to control producer factories because they can control from system and they will know that these documents can not be change.
So , all these global companies will not need any 3rd Party auditor companies , to control their suppliers. It totally means '' Decentralized Production '' like removing Banks during cash transfer between Person to Person.
As you can see , this idea will come with lots of sub-ecosystem when we create it.
It will be totally revulation in '' Production ''
Timeline for project ;
This pilot will be used in Okursoy A.S in Turkey / Ankara
Step 1 ) 0-30 Days
General presantation will be created and present to Okursoy team.
Step 2 ) 30-120 days
5 different documents will be selected and will adapted to .txt format to reduce KB of datas.
5 personel from different stages from production will be selected and personel ID will be created.
5 process line will be selected from different stages from production and machıne ID will be created
5 raw material will be selected from warehouse and ID will be created.
Step 3 ) 120-360 days
Demo application will be created and first trial will be done. First trial will be shared with Global customers. Their feedbacks will be collected.
Step 4 ) 1-2 year
According to feedbacks , all Okursoy team will adapt to system
* 4 Software Engineer will join team 25.000 $ / year x 2 years
* Hardware ınvestments into to production to collect metadata 12.000 $
* Software ınvestments to create relation between metadata - Cardano ecosystem 18.000 $
IOHK community feedbacks and supports will be most critical funding for us . Because there will be lots of issue during creating relation between metadata and Cardano Blockchain eco-system.
Mehmet Okursoy
*Production Experience 10 years
*12 production audits completed about from Global Companies
*Internatiol Sales Manager for 4 years.