Last updated 3 years ago
Competing demands, eg. over fishing, bad agricultural practices leading to the degradation of a lake ecosystems affecting local livelihoods.
Undertaking education programs for local to appreciate the impact of negative practices on the ecosystem and the need to for balance.
This is the total amount allocated to Conservation factory phase 1.
Undertaking education programs for local to appreciate the impact of negative practices on the ecosystem and the need to for balance.
Natural resources manager with 27 years of functional experience from the public sector, NGO and Academia
Educate local people on power structure to influence change
Educate local people on how to monitor environmental impact
Create awareness on economic opportunities that are environmentally friendly
Empower local community members to be responsible and maintain a sustainable environment proactively
Ensure that local actions will translate into conservation of buffer areas of the lake to sustain it.
Natural resources manager with 27 years of functional experience from the public sector, NGO and Academia