Small/Medium sized Transport & Logistic Companies will struggle to upgrade their managing systems to implement DLT and AI.
Let's create a DAO for the Transport & Logistics sector, to encourage and facilitate these companies to implement DLT in their systems.
This is the total amount allocated to TRANSPORT & LOGISITCS DAO.
Our goal would be the foundation of a DAO that serves for education and incentivating on the adoption of new tecnologies, promoting efficiency and good practices.
We are looking to bring the best possible tools to the transport & logistic sector, starting by the companies that may not have the resources to take advantage of the new technologies.
It wuold be great to count on Cardano's developer and advising community.Â
The requested funds will be used retribute development and advising services.
I've been operating since 2005 at CargoNetwork, a trusted Transport & Logistic solutions company providing solutions in the european market.