Minting and selling NFTs should be a seamless process that everyone can be part of.
Creating a web component that anyone can use to mint nfts / sets of nfts, and immediately put them in a smart contract to display & sell.
This is the total amount allocated to @chain-lib Token mint/sell any site.
What is chain-lib/cardano-api & chain-lib/cardano-components?
Chain lib is an open-source blockchain library monorepo. That means that multiple related projects will all be worked on in this repository.
Cardano-api is a wallet API that follows CIP-30 dapp connector. An easy analogy is that it is building the truffle sweet, for Cardano. It is difficult for a developer that is not intimately failure with Cardano and message signing to use CIP-30. Therefore this API also exposes several functions to staking and transactions easier. You can find needed updates in the open-source funding section.
Cardano-components are web-components (ie you can use them in any framework, react, vue, angular, etc), that utilize the Cardano blockchain. Currently, there are components for initializing cardano-api, asking the user for permission to connect to your wallet, sending transactions, and staking. Every new component is used to update, add to, and test cardano-api.
Currently to mint and sell nfts, you are typically either using a centralized service, or you are using an nft seller you set up yourself, with varying degrees of quality. It would be ideal if we had a component that anyone could use to mint and then sell tokens. This will be done via a smart contract, similar to the one used for SpaceBudz. The developer will be able to put a token minting component on their website, mint as many tokens they want only using their wallet, and then immediately put them on their website for sale. This will increase the quality of NFT drops (and normal tokens like $HOSKY) while decreasing the necessary technical expertise.
Definition of Success
In 6 months the UI elements should be complete, likely the whole project will be complete by then. By 12 months the project will be fully complete and in use by several projects.
UI for token minter: $50 USD * 40 hrs
UI for token selling : $50 USD * 60 hrs
Backend for token minter : $50 USD * 60 hrs
Backend / smart contract for token selling : $50 USD * 80 hrs
Tax : $2981.4 USD
Novella / Cardano Keys Developer, SPO, Alanzo Purple tester, Plutus Pioneer 1, and already built several components inside the github repo.