Last updated 3 years ago
Local Charities and supporting business suffer from high credit card transaction fees when raising funds together.
We use a custom Cardano blockchain token to track transactions in our fundraising platform and perform bulk fiat conversion at intervals.
This is the total amount allocated to Local Charity Fundraising Platform.
We use a custom Cardano blockchain token to track transactions in our fundraising platform and perform bulk fiat conversion at intervals.
20+ years software engineering ( Stakepool
Soon to be Emurgo-certified Plutus developers. is a community-based loyalty platform that harnesses the power of charitable organizations' community outreach in combination with local merchants and businesses for mutual support. This is achieved through the marketing and sales of vendor/merchant mobile-based gift cards to consumers in their local communities. The charity creates a campaign, which is then linked to the Funrayzr gift card merchants in their area and broadcasts this campaign to their supporters. The supporter/consumer can then choose from the active merchant gift card programs to select merchant gift cards to purchase. Local merchants love this program because it drives traffic into their locations to increase sales. Charities benefit because 10% of all purchases accrue back to them in the form of fundraising. Consumers like the ease of use and access to local gift cards that they can share with friends and family while also supporting local worthy causes
Our innovation is that all transactions will be recorded on Cardano blockchain, providing required transparency to all stakeholders. We will be minting a Funrayzr token to be used as the native currency of the system, which will only be converted to fiat when batch transactions occur, thereby lowering the operating cost of the platform for all stakeholders.
This will expand the network with many new nodes/wallets created to support transactions and introduce the Cardano blockchain to potentially thousands of charities and merchants as the program expands from regional to national to international.
The three partner companies are in active development of platform with version 1 scheduled to launch in January 2022. Our lead developer will be Emurgo certified in mid December 2021.
Foundation support will be very beneficial as we work through transactions and fee structures in our development and testing.
For more information, contact
DEV PLAN - Milestones and KPIs
# funrayzr_cdnc
Cardano native token and fiat bridge for using blockchain to reduce transaction fees to charity, business and consumer stakeholders while providing 100% transparency
## Milestones for F7
### January 2022 - KPI - Complete (Y/N)
1. Mint Funrayzr native token on Cardano testnet blockchain - January 2022 - KPI - Complete (Y/N)
### February 2022 - KPI - Complete (Y/N)
2. Create Funrayzr master wallet for Ada transaction fee payments/transfer F7 Funding
3. Create sample vendor and client wallets to send and receive Funrayzr token transactions
4. Create Funrayzr smart contract app and interface to connect mobile app transactions and store on testnet blockchain
### March 2022 - KPI - acquire meaningful data on cost and performance - fiat vs. Cardano
5. Deploy Funrayzr smart contract app on testnet and run alongside fiat-based Funrayzr transactions to model performance and costs
### April 2022 - KPI - successful analysis of data to inform optimization for performance and cost
6. Analyze acquired data and iterate/tune Funrayzr transaction bridge on testnet
### May 2022 - KPI - deploy to live blockchain, use F7 funds to offset Ada transaction costs
7. Analyze acquired data and iterate/tune Funrayzr transaction bridge on live
### June 2022 - KPI - success batch process bridge from blockchain to fiat within 12 hours of schedule
7. Design and deploy scheduled process to analyze and batch convert Funrayzr token transactions to fiat payouts for vendors and charities within 12 hours of specified interval.
## Milestones for F8
### July 2022 - KPI - Integration of Cardano Wallet creation process to Funrayzr signup process
8. Integrate web-based Cardano wallet creation into Funrayzr profiles
### August 2022 - KPI - 50% reduction in fiat-based processing cost via consolidated native token
9. Migrate initial consumer purchases to Funrayzr native token and offer ability for consumer to pay in Ada vs. fiat
### September 2022 - KPI - Delivery of Open Source native token to fiat bridge code
10. Publish open source version of Funrayzr native token to fiat conversion bridge for community
CHALLENGE: Develop a native token to fiat bridge that can map blockchain transactions over a prescribed time interval to associated fiat accounts to reduce credit card transaction fees by running fiat transactions in bulk process at scheduled intervals.
BUDGET USE: We will be using the the proceeds of the F7 funding to pay for on-chain transaction fees in modelling and testing best methods to store native token transactions across the 3 stakeholder groups (Charity, Vendor, Consumer)
OUTCOME/DELIVERABLE: We hope to deliver an open-source native token to fiat batch processing service for other projects to use, while working on full Ada payments to further reduce fiat processing fees while increasing the number of Ada wallets/nodes in use as we reduce dependency on fiat.
20+ years software engineering ( Stakepool
Soon to be Emurgo-certified Plutus developers.