We plan on designing a game on cardano that is a mixture of starcaft and clash royale. With focus on it being Highly addictive.
Create a game that has 3 races, and each race has 4-6 characters (initially). Goal would be to give these characters special properties.
This is the total amount allocated to Clash royale & starcraft mixed game.
Clash of the clans in 2016 had over 56 million users. Starcraft has an average active users of 500k daily. With revenue each year in billions of dollars.
Our initial concept and deliverable will be 3 races (see attached video) and each race will have 4-6 characters (initially) with each character having its own set of properties. We are in talk with quite a few game architecture designers, our foundational goal for the game from the very start is addiction. We emphasize this idea a lot in our meetings with developers and will finalize a development team that is the most apt/experienced in having designed such a game we are in the process of doing calculations on scoring mechanism, power-ups, fight algorithm etc. And we have found quite a few people with the relevant experience- this is our very first milestone that we hope to deliever in3-4 months.
Our marketing strategy is to use different media channels as well as internal and external resources to get the word out. We have managed so far to acquire a following of about 35,000 members over all social media channels and now have a level of experience to market ourselves in a more cost effective and more efficient way than we did in the past year.
Budget Break down:
Developing full game strategy/architecture: (2-3week)- cost $3,600.
Actual game development 3.5 months : cost $21,600.
Strategic marketing to onboard more ada wallet holders buying into our ecosystem over 3-4monts: $10,000
Our goal is following in terms of KPIs:
-We will start to grow over user base to atleast 100k over all media channels. Run weekly campaigns to keep users engaged.
-We have been in development for a while. We have 3 firms with 1 that we very well will finalize soon in coming week. The goal for the first 3 weeks would be to write a detialed spec of the full game. (Initial properties of each character, life calculations, and finalize different calculations of the game to get ready for development.)
NFTs that will be required to monitize the game.
Land nfts,
Race Head character NFTs,
FIght character NFTs for each race.
The success of this game will look like a game that is a hybrid of starcraft and clash royale. With a full gameplay implemented on our website first this we aim to accomplish in 4 months and then release a mobile version.
Notice- The land structure and the main structure that will be needed to be destroyed to win the game are finalized and will be listed on our market place soon (Marketplace on cardano is completed and is going through fixing some bugs that were found in QA- will be live very soon shooting for next week). To play this game you will need to acquire NFTs. Further proposed improvements for the market place can be seen in this idea proposal.
I have attached a few of the visuals (promotional video for the game etc that we are or will be running to increase our user base).
Apart from this I do want to mention that we have completed or will have completed following milestones within next month.
-AI index platform (completed)- You can go to our website buy some grse token and stake them to gain access to our AI platform. You can documentation on this here https://www.grise.finance/info
--- Further proposed improvement to our AI platform can be found on this idea scale.
-NFT marketplace on cardano for our nfts(near completion releasing soon) https://www.grise.finance/nft
- NFT mechanism, burning, merging, minting etc to spawn mythic NFT. Our mythic NFT can get land and other characters- distribution of land and other characters will be given to any one holding Mythic nft please see https://www.grise.finance/nft and click on nft mechanism for to see how we have implemented this. (The mechanism is due to release in 3 weeks- 4 weeks)
Following is the current state of NFT market place launch on cardano:
- Minting (completed)
- BUY/SELL mechanism in the market place (completed)
- (CODE BASED using Cardano CLI )(completed)
- Created the initial assets(completed)
- Minting Policy added(completed)
- Create a script to get the policy ID(completed)
- Perform Mint transaction(completed)
- Send NFT/assets back to wallet code based all these things are working fine(completed)
- Added Cardano Serialization Lib for frontend Angular(completed)
- Wallet integration(completed)
- Integration of NAMI Wallet with our GRISE Marketplace(completed)
- Stored data in DB of wallet information(completed)
- Perform Transactions (Pending)
- Integration of NAMI Wallet with Cardano Addresses (Pending)
- Testing Using Nami Wallet (Pending)
- Convert the value of NAMI wallet functions using Serialization
- All steps which are mentioned in NAMI wallet are done and working fine Manually. Basically, we need to make all this Dynamic. Further, Mentioned steps in the NAMI WALLET are done using NAMI WALLET Open source code and we have to integrate it according to our GRISE
Platform and perform all things automatically.
-----Thank you for reviewing the proposal. Please consider reviewing the attached documents they are preliminary and under construction. We look forward to any questions you may have.-----------
Website: grise.finance (Soon to be upgraded completely)
We have been developing in the blockchain space for the past 8 months. We have a big team and have delivered quite a few milestones.