Sales platforms charge up to 30% commission which stifle profits and growth for small indie studios
Use Cardano and generated NFTs to stimulate/create a strong in-game marketplace for Firestrike Soccer; a 2D RPG/strategic soccer game!
This is the total amount allocated to Firestrike Soccer Game Migration.
Firestrike Soccer is a hybrid soccer/RPG 2D game that uses player/coach/item/spell/technique cards to power a player team to success. As a player gains experience, they can improve thr stats of their player cards which then turns each evolved player card into its' own unique card! With everything being tiered at bronze/silver/gold the strategies are endless.
How does this impact the block chain? Each user will either will have or be assigned a wallet We create an NFT for each card (293 cards to start). As a user plays the game, they can upgrade their player cards (162 cards). Whenever they release an upgraded card to the exchange market, that card will then release as a unique (ONE ONLY) card within the in-game marketplace. They can also auction/trade other cards as well through the marketplace. Users can acquire the base cards either through buying card packs, quest chains, daily quests, or as prizes awarded while playing the game.
As the user builds up a large collection of NFTs, win cryptocurrency, they'll naturally prefer Cardano as the go-to currency.
The other place that we will make heavy use of the block-chain is in regards to tournaments. As the user base grows, we will be hosting an increasingly larger number of tournaments. We will be awarding some very unique cards and awards to the winners. We will have various levels of tournament buy-in to provide different levels of challenge to the players.
What we currently have (a card consists of 3 parts; border, background and featured image);
=> 142 male player cards
=> 22 female player cards
=> 10 coach cards
=> 32 spell cards
=> 70 technique cards
=> 17 item cards
=> 51 trophies
=> All the audio clips
=> All the audio melodies
=> 82 animation clips
=> Basic gameplay
=> Basic gameplay AI implemented
We are a kitted out small indie studio. Prior to COVID we have 5 artist stations, 1 audio engineer station, 3 developer stations and 2 flex stations. We are a Unity studio for game development. We use Apple for audio development, and 3ds max for art development. We still have the office and and a base staff; we're NOT looking for funding for them.
In order to finish the project we require the following;
=> UI Designer ($60,000)
=> 2D Animator/Artist ($54,000)
=> Game Programmer ($60,000)
We've already created 99% of the graphics, animations, sounds and UI for the game and have a rough playable demo. What we need is to do a lot of the final polish work on the integrated assets. We're looking for funding to help us get over the top and do the following (and meet the following goals);
1-3 Month Goals
=> Touch up the animations to make sure they flow properly (animation sequences are already done)
=> Clean up the UI flow and ensure that the game is fully compatible with all mobile screen resolutions
3-6 Month Goals
=> Finish and fault-test the networking portion of the game
=> Convert our in-game currency and currency management to block-chain
=> Implement an exchange for cards that players want to either trade or sell for currency
6-12 Month:
=> Bug test/fix the game through an Beta and Alpha program
=> Spend the 6 months fixing bugs that come along
=> Release on month 12
Developing games for us and others for the last 5 years or so with core management being in the development space since 2005.