Last updated 3 years ago
Due to blockchain being highly complex, it's hard for game developers to enter the ecosystem, since there is no clear road to guide them.
The best way to push Cardano towards mainstream is to consult and assist projects in the gaming industry to work on the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Megaclite - Game Dev and Consulting.
The best way to push Cardano towards mainstream is to consult and assist projects in the gaming industry to work on the Cardano blockchain.
Overview -Â What is Megaclite?
Due to blockchain being new, there is still little to no friction in the mainstream gaming world. There are many starting points but not a clear road to help game studios deploy projects on the Cardano blockchain. Cardano needs a great pioneer project to pave the way and break the barrier into mainstream.
The Megaclite project consists of the following subprojects:
In addition to consulting, our own NFT-Gaming project will be launched. The Megaclite projects goal is not to be just a random blockchain project. Megaclite tries to showcase the Cardano blockchain functionalities and help the Cardano blockchain to get and to remain mainstream. The goal is not just a video game, since there already exist millions of games around the world. Aiming to network, to develop, to gain knowledge and to improve the blockchain experience, Megaclite will set sail to become one of the leading consulting and developing companies in the Cardano ecosystem. With this setup, the Megaclite project is a pioneer, aiming to implement future Cardano blockchain integration projects.
Funding / Budget
Megaclite consulting company will be considered a success, if the Cardano community and potential blockchain projects consider us as the number one partner, providing full blockchain development and consulting services - not only for the gaming industry.
Core Team Members /Â Contact person