A lot of painters in Slovenia, our country is famous and don t know how to do NFTs.
The same is in foreign countries, espesialy older ones.
We want to do platform which can help them, and do NFTs in their name. So he can sell their work
also on blockchain as NFT art.
This is the total amount allocated to Platform for painters.
We need some blockchain experts to help us with smart contracts for a start and later to do a platform with all the automatic minting policies for a painter and an extra policy with defined percentages in case of minting for them. One person will only do websites for them if needed and teach them how to sell their work, or (optional) sell their work for them with commisson fee. Other person would contact painters across the globe and present them with new market strategies – selling their work in digital version on blockchain. We would like to be known as a helping hand for artists in their selling succcess in NFT world, especially targeting older artists who have not yet heard of NFTs.
Painting studio Max Zaxster, we have a lot of experience with art, and have
also guys which have great ideas with NFTs. Cardano belivers.