Last updated 3 years ago
How do we onboard mainstream entertainment studios into Cardano & become the best in class ecosystem for high value entertainment projects?
Phase 1: Creation of a large scale feature film to showcase Cardano, Catalyst and ultimately attract studio partners into Cardano Creatives.
This is the total amount allocated to Feature Film 👉Onboarding Hollywood.
Phase 1: Creation of a large scale feature film to showcase Cardano, Catalyst and ultimately attract studio partners into Cardano Creatives.
Proposers: combined 38 yrs entertainment industry experience.
Dozens of film industry partners to work alongside the EP team.
Cardano Feature Film: A Path to Onboarding Hollywood
Previous Fund 6 Proposer (not funded) with results:
YES: 26,034,369
NO: 18,510,486
(Source: @Marklar_IO)
Our mission is to create a large-scale Hollywood film project to achieve global awareness for Cardano, ADA and the Catalyst community in addition to the successful onboarding of large Hollywood studios and increasing the overall value of the Cardano ecosystem. 100% built on Catalyst & funded with ADA.
Longer tl;dr
A collective of film professionals under this proposal aim to create a large-scale Hollywood film project to bring global awareness to Cardano, ADA and the Catalyst community. The long term goal is to onboard large Hollywood partners via this body of work. This funding round is primarily to select and hire a WGA writer to work on the script. The subsequent phases will focus on the onboarding of A-list talent and crew. Vote for this proposal if you want to see Cardano and ADA on the big screen and our Hollywood partners creating on Cardano!
Leveraging Familiarity
Existing projects like the Brave browser (1) have successfully merged an essential and mainstream activity, web browsing, with crypto and is seeing steady adoption, use and continued growth. Additionally, celebrity endorsement / sponsorship campaigns (3) have shown to be highly effective in onboarding new users to their platform by leveraging familiar faces in the sports & entertainment world *.
Like both examples, consumption of mainstream entertainment is a pervasive influence in many people's lives throughout the globe and consumption statistics are strong and favorable.
By leveraging the power and reach of a large scale Hollywood film project, Cardano will seen by millions of people worldwide to:
- introduce them to Cardano; the tech stack, the mission & the community.
- showcase Project Catalyst and all it can offer those looking to build on Cardano.
For Cardano
Internally, by creating the nucleus of Cardano Creatives with a large scale feature film project, our team will be able to easily onboard potential investors, partners and other large stakeholders in the film industry to:
-Explore avenues for collaboration and co-created projects via Catalyst in ways that will extract value for the Cardano ecosystem as a whole, including but not limited to awareness/use/utility and continued growth in the Cardano Creatives community.
- Partner with a bespoke NFT platform to help monetize the high-value IP of large studios that will be onboarded into Cardano Creatives and the ecosystem at large. Becoming the go-to ecosystem for high value entertainment-centric NFT offerings.
- Access to various film-specific DeFi platforms (to be built or white labeled) to ensure sustained growth of partnerships within Cardano Creatives and the associated value.
For The Community
Moving beyond this funded project under the flag of Cardano Creatives, our team alongside the community will ensure any future proposals within the Cardano Creatives Challenge for Fund 8 and beyond will follow in the footsteps of this film project and bring innovative, sustained value to the Cardano ecosystem
(Cardano Creatives Challenge:
We will also have the opportunity of showing the world the capability and power of the Project Catalyst community and how it can fund a project as mainstream as a feature film using decentralized governance and fund disbursement. This would be a massive achievement; the first ecosystem to successfully fund and create a large-scale film in this way.
Beyond the Story Development phase, this film project will open up opportunities for collaboration on tech-specific applications required to extract maximum value from entertainment partnerships building on Cardano, intra & post-film release. The details around this will be disclosed in a subsequent funding round should we receive funds for Phase 1 and when we have established official partnerships with developers to build and maintain the required components.
Furthermore, projects/personalities who are part of the Cardano ecosystem in some capacity looking to get involved to showcase their brand are welcome to contact the team. This will NOT be under any separate proposals for product placement and we encourage all those interested to contact us directly. Gaming/metaverse, CeFi/DeFi platforms, Cardano personalities, groups in Catalyst, the community 🦞, all of you.
PHASE 1 - Story Development6 Month time horizon
Myself, my co-proposer and our entertainment industry partners have been working behind the scenes to structure a viable plan with the end goal of creating this large scale film project.
Our goal is to reach a global audience by tapping into pop culture's action/adventure film entertainment market. Action/adventure films are one of the leading genre films and bodes well as the backdrop for our hero product of Cardano (2).
We will tap into the several relationships we have built in the filmmaking industry ranging from studio relationships, global distribution channels, top tier talent including writers, actors and directors to put together a total film package. Some of studio connections include but not limited to Tyler Perry Studios (Atlanta GA), Nu Boyana Studios (Sofia, Bulgaria). Distributors such as Lionsgate's Grindstone Entertainment Group. Production companies that specialize in foreign sales such as Crystal Sky Pictures, AAA Entertainment (Johannesburg, South Africa) will also be on our team to ensure widespread distribution in all applicable territories.
Phase 1 will primarily focus on securing a WGA Writer and begin the process of converting story components from its current status into a viable script. It will then be put through the "coverage" phase which includes any re-writes as the script evolves throughout the iterative process. This can be likened to beta testing; to refine and perfect prior to releasing it. In our case, this would ensure we are confident with the script prior to having it sent to our contacts in preparation for PHASE 2.
PHASE 2 - Project Development/Film PackagingApprox 6 mo time horizon
This phase will involve multiple proposals to gauge the size & scope of film the community is interested in building together. We will create various "tiers" with associated budget to reflect the size and scope of that specific project tier. A spectrum of tiers will be released to give the community a selection of final product budget options.
Within these tiers will also include marketing, distribution information to show the cost ranges of a widely distributed film with a powerful marketing campaign to a smaller more conservative film with less global reach. As stated, this is up to the community to decide and will truly display how decentralized voting can work on such a large scale project. This phase will run concurrently and any final script edits will be completed independently of this proposal
PHASE 3: Pre-Production / Production / Post-Production
The timeline for this phase varies based on shooting locations, budget and other external factors, but for this particular project it will be within the timelines of 4-12 weeks for pre-production, 2-6 months for production, and 3-5 months for post-production.
Based on the previous funding round, this phase will involve the allocation of financial resources to secure production crew and all necessary departments. Establish locations, studio space, and allocate budgets for each department. The crew and talent costs can be broken down based on standard union rates.
(Additional phases of this project to come, contingent on successful funding of community-chosen tiers for future funding rounds beyond Fund 7)
PHASE 1: Key Metrics for Assessment
By having a well vetted script (with coverage) that will be read by our contacts, driving this project forward will be significantly easier than a traditional script pitch with no inside contacts to tap.
We will have the story concept available for review by IOG/Cardano Foundation, under NDA. We will achieve maximum global exposure and awareness via established distribution and marketing channels if we ensure a solid script is written.
We will be introducing some of our industry contacts to the community who will be advising or directly participating in this film project in some capacity. While this type of project requires an army, we will endeavor to showcase as many contacts as we can to satisfy community interest.
We invite Cardano Foundation to review our story concept and be a key stakeholder in this project. Beyond that, we will be holding bi-weekly updates to inform the community of our progress with respect to writing and will introduce the creative team, once secured. Additionally, we invite any community members authorized to audit proposals to connect with us to fulfil any requirements on that front to ensure compliance and satisfy community requirements, if any.
BUDGET & Film Development Outline: See Attachments for complete budget breakdown and additional information on Film Development.
Our existing network of established film industry contacts, including but not limited to A-list talent management, writers, producers, distribution channels and entertainment industry marketing firms who will be directly or indirectly involved in this project will assist with mitigating any external risk factors most commonly associated with a project with less resources at its disposal.
As stated in our proposal, our intention is to showcase as many of our actively involved film partners to the community who will be working with our team throughout this project to ensure success.
Cardano creatives F8 Challenge Setting:
*With an estimated $100 million spent by, a film budget under Project Catalyst would be significantly less expensive but in many ways more impactful.
Telegram Group
Clubhouse link:
Proposers: combined 38 yrs entertainment industry experience.
Dozens of film industry partners to work alongside the EP team.