Science always had problems with organisation, references, access and accessibility. There is no safe space to store knowledge of humankind.
Creation of a hyperspace that links decentralized data storage with decentralized ID management: to verify, cross-reference and organise.
This is the total amount allocated to Science Hyperspace on Cardano.
One thing accompanied me my whole life: Science. I love science. I went to school, loved science. Went to university, still love science, but started asking questions. "Scientists" don't always know what they do. Sciences are quite a mess, especially when it comes to Humanities. References, Dictionaries, cross-references, hypertexts etc.; reference books, several editions of the same work, notes out of important study books etc.
I want to solve that by creating the ultimate tool. I want to create the Hyperspace, a decentralized storage option with ID granting access (and also built in different layers of access, which also contain a "public" tier). A place where references are strings to another paper, a place where new editions are directly linked to older ones; a place where credibility and trust are verifiable, and where every piece of work can be translated into different languages and levels of competence (which can also correlate with access tiers, e.g., the lowest maybe two levels of competence are publicly available). A place where you can check the credibility of every author, even translators.
The world needs a solid solution for the mistrust in sciences. This could be it...
Since this would be a very big projects, I'd need to break it down into a pilot and into a roadmap that works in the way of onion principle. The final goal is the complete hyperspace. I'd follow the Cardanian way, starting with small but very thought through steps - and ending it in a hell of a big project that gets governed by the community. This way, it becomes way bigger than I - or anyone - could ever imagine.
I don't have a team but would need one. Onboarding developers and other great minds would require some time too, but I'm very excited for this whole experience!
Since I'm still a student, my requested fund is for my survival until next fund. My plan in the meantime is to find a team and start to plan the roadmap together, so we could present the pilot next fund. Also, when funded, I could completely focus on this project (including discussions with the Cardano community)!
So, after the first 3 months, I expect to have talked to as many people as possible and maybe even onboarded one or another. After 6 months, I hope I have a team together with which I talked about the roadmap and thought about the pilot. And after one year, I hope we can present the pilot - or at least a detailed plan for it. The launch date of the complete Hyperspace is very unclear until now.
I'm about to take a break from University anyways, since I'm studying humanities and have ADD - I therefore ALWAYS bump into organisation problems regarding sciences. I could not do that any longer, when I'm just thinking about the solution instead of implementing it. There's a fire burning in me for the CARDANO HYPERSPACE and it wants to burn BRIGHT!
I went to school and university my whole life, I just love all kinds of science. Atm, I study languages/linguistics (germ & engl) and maths.