Financial dynamic doesn't bring true value to our human real needs & values.
Good actions = donations
Donations= debt
war = profit
Solidarity platform (Dapp) allows:
-Generate a circular economy driven by human problem solving
-Tokenized network collaborations
This is the total amount allocated to SOLID - IDO (Solidarity platform).
#Rule: underline: means on going or done
First Pohase:
-White paper: we need to invest in humanity and make it traceable.
-Join catalyst and Cardano communities
- Submit Proposal: SOLIDARITY (SOLID)
-Build a community during its development phase
-Team recruitment
-Team structure & goals
Second Phase:
-Networking with collaborators and future investors.
-Refine proposal for SOLID (IDO)
-Community development (important parties)
- Proposal gets funded.
Third Phase:
-Official launch of IDO (Initial decentralised offering) 10/03/2022
-SOLID token price: 0.0003 – Limited supply 1.17M per year
-Solidarity is the platform that will provide value to humanitarian collaborations.
-First stage of the Solidarity platform development: 10/09/2022
-Selected proposals from catalyst will be the first initiatives applied on Solidarity platform, it will work as example for future initiatives/solutions.
-Solidarity Tokenomics: must aim to provide financial freedom for volunteers and collaborators actively solving humanitarian problems
-Alliances: NGO's and public individuals (influencers) to keep accountability of Initiatives/solutions
Blockchain allows us to create a decentralised economic system where donations are a new form of investment, let me explain you how:
SOLID (IDO) is the utility token that represents global humanitarian investments, this asset in essence is a storage value even better than gold, due to its financial dynamic based on limited token supply & high demand.
SOLID Governance is the token generated when individuals participate in the Solidarity platform
''Solidarity is SOLID because we reward humanitarian needed actions such as reversing climate change or eradicating food hunger. ''
SOLID is correlated value to its Gov token is
SOLID 1 : 100 Gov token
#Platform development explained
Is a decentralised platform providing value to human problem solving, powered financially and technologically by a purely proof-of-stake currency, designed to gain value over time due to limited token supply.
Our mission is to create tools for world citizens to invest their time and energy directly in the solutions, collaborating financially and technologically with NGOs, private researchers and active communities.
Similarly to Catalyst the Solidarity platform will interconnect individuals willing to work together to have a positive impact on the world. The platform aims to reward ''needed actions'' for instance: Sharing a solution, passively or actively working in an INITIATIVE, therefore we (Global citizens) will suffrage & network to fund the solutions that organizations proposed.
I designed a circular economy based on (tokenized) data collection from human problem-solving platform.
For the first time in history, we aim to change paradigms:
• Donations can be a form of lucrative investments
• Volunteering can be a lucrative action
• Cleaning the oceans becomes profitable
• Eradicating world hunger becomes achievable and profitable
• Suffrage is profitable (we are social animals, we need networking; we thrive in communities therefore SOLID makes it decentralised & profitable)
• Cooperativity is financially rewarded
• Biodiversity becomes the most valuable intangible asset
• Recycling & upcycling will be the most profitable business model
• Global peace pact
• Decrease criminal activity
• Penalised: racism, violence, vandalism, criminality and any kind of discrimination is a form of DEBT. SOLID values thriving communities
• Global low tax regulation for SOLID members
''If it's just about money, then let's make human needs & values the most profitable business in human history.'' Cardano community please take over this project.
Note: Wouldn't it be crazy that after all this centuries, developing African communities becomes the most profitable investment of humanity?
The whitepaper comes in a form on NFT, for security reasons I encrypted my name in a hash inside the white paper, if you want to make a positive change in the world while making profits, then please take a look at the website to check the white paper, this is the organization of the NFTs :
You can check the white paper in the website below :
About me: I'm not an IT developer, I'm an autodidact, passionate about value, behaviour, philosophy & sociology. I realised, almost every solution in life in essence comes from understanding something like: Why does it take several days to convince crows to eat the food that I throw at them, when ''food'' is their most valuable resource? I observed that they let other birds eat first. Because crows value more life than abundance, this is natural selection, a bit worrying because human civilization(s) financially value war and a donation as a meaning of debt creates cognitive dissonance.
Hey Cardano family, let's work together on this project, with blockchain we can make donations the most profitable investment and this is gamechanger.
# Solidarity platform and SOLID in a NUTSHEL
Nowadays, Companies, governments & individuals donate more than 400 billion per year to solve/help communities all over the world unfortunately this ''paper money'' loses its capacity over time due to inflation, money printing ''solutions'' and financial dynamic, where donations are a form of debt.
How can Companies, governments & individuals benefit from a noble cause like donating? financially speaking with Fiat currencies it is impossible.
Interestingly It's well known that our private data has been sold to third parties in other to focus their advertisement, concluding how worthy individuals' data really is.
However, Blockchain allows us to create a decentralised economic system where donations are a new form of investment, let me explain you how:
SOLID is the utility token that represents global humanitarian investments, this asset in essence is a storage value even better than gold, due to its financial dynamic based on limited token supply & high demand.
Solidarity is the platform empowered technologically and financially by the crypto asset SOLID representing humanitarian investment / donations.
SOLID In correlation 1:100 Gov token
SOLID Governance is the token generated when individuals in the Solidarity platform participate/collaborate and (SS) ShareSolutions to earn basically, individuals will be rewarded for spending their time to work towards a solution actively or passively.
Data tracker protocol: Egalitarian => Data will never be sold to any parties, your votes is anonym, traceable and profitable.
Passive: rewarded individuals that only participate digitally (voting, pools, forums)
Active: rewarded individuals physically working with NGO's, private organizations, companies and/or governmental institutions.
Tasks of passive individuals:
Suffrage 1: 10 GOV token
Emergency Suffrage: 1:50 GOV token
EmergencySharing: 1: 33 GOV token
Pools: 1: 12 GOV token (tool for global decisions regarding solution following steps)
Sharing solutions online 1: 6 Governance token
Forum participation = up vote: 2 GOV token – down vote 2 GOV token
Comments = up votes 100: 1 GOV token – down vote – 100 : -1
Daily task: 15 GOV tokens must be verified by QR certificate
Weekly tasks: 20 GOV tokens most be verified by QR certificate
Active Officials = 250GOV tokens monthly (to be determined with community)
Tasks of active individuals:
IndividualSolutionsQR.Sharing = 10 GOV token (dialoguers/activist)
QR.EMERGENCY= 100 GOV per active assistance
Volunteer/collaborator: Daily task: 15 GOV tokens must be verified by QR certificate
Working. Scan QR = 1 assistance --> 20 Governance token
Researcher. Scan QR = 1 assistance --> 30 Governance token
Solidarity platform extracts 50% data(fees) from the collected data (SOLID GOVERNANCE) to fund the solutions that global individuals accepted during suffrage.
SOLID is the limited supply token representing the value of SOLID Governance (1:100)
Every SOLID investment backs up financially, active and passive individuals that with their participation generates the funding to the accepted solutions, the correlation between SOLID and SOLID Governance is 1: 100
In another words, similarly to banking in the XVIII century but instead of gold we use SOLID (humanitarian investment) to back up the ''payment method'' (Governance token)
Main difference with is that the funds are decentralised and only use for humanitarian problem solving.
The example:
SOLID market cap: 2B – Token circulation: 6M- SOLID price: 142.857 10/12/2022
Correlation with Governance token 100:1 SOLID
1Gov token = $ (can only be generated by individual's data in the platform)
Next year, SOLID is more mainstream and private researchers and crypto enthusiast start to invest in humanity
SOLID market cap: 40B - Token circulation 7.17M SOLID price: 5,578.80055 $ 10/12/2023
Alice is a crypto investor & Abimbola has two jobs and can barely pay his bills, both are passionate about solving problems in humanity, such as climate change, ocean pollution, global hunger & deforestation etc…
Alice finally found a way to donate without wasting her money, so instead donating 20£ a month she decides to invest in SOLID 1000£. As she already gained experience with BTC, she understands that a valuable asset with limited token supply is a no brainer for investing in.
Alice invested long term when SOLID price was: 142.857 £ by 08/12/2023
Alice first 1000£ investment was worth 7.000007 SOLID
Today those 1000£ worth 0.17925 SOLID by 10/12/2023
'Alice becomes millionaire investing in humanity, she is happy'
Abimbola becomes a frequent user of the SOLID platform, because now he can generate an extra income, and fund the solutions impacting positively his community, by using the platform features such as sharing, supporting or voting. Currently Abimbola pays his bills in advance, feels grateful that he can make a positive impact investing his time, and now he shares his own initiative in the platform ''development of cyber-rooms in rural areas to interconnect Africans''
Data tracker protocol: Egalitarian => Abimbola's data 31/12/2023
Suffrage x5 10 GOV token 02/12/2023
Emergency Suffrage 50 GOV token 06/12/2023
Emergency Sharing 30 GOV token 19/12/2023
Emergency Suffrage 50 GOV token 18/12/2023
Weekly tasks 20 GOV token 28/12/2023
TOTAL produce: 200Gov tokens - 50% (data for funds)
Solidarity decentralised platform pays 100 Governance tokens to Abimbola,
100 Gov tokens = USDT 5,578.80055 $
'Abimbola is happy & financially successful.'
Corina is a nomad, currently Corina can live her dream of travelling and working for noble causes. After 15 years struggling to keep herself financially stable, she discovers the SOLID platform that allows her to work with NGO's and other organizations with a simple QR (assistance) and daily task, bringing her freedom to travel & work while making a positive impact.
Data tracker protocol: Egalitarian => Corina's data 31/12/2023
Suffrage x1 10 GOV token 02/12/2023
QR volunteering x10 20 Governance token
Emergency Suffrage 50 GOV token 18/12/2023
Weekly tasks x2 20 GOV token 28/12/2023
TOTAL produce: 300Gov tokens - 50% (data for funds)
Solidarity decentralised platform pays 150 Governance tokens to Corina,
150 Gov tokens = USDT 8,368.20825 $
'Corina is happy & financially successful.'
Marcos is a researcher, he published an initiative to reduce CO2 by cloning reefs corals, global suffrage accepted his solution, currently his Lab releases on daily basis the advances of the ongoing development in the SOLID platform, allowing the lab to get a certificated QR to pay as many volunteers, collaborators, researchers, workers as required to reach the goal. Transparency is key to get funded, therefore materials or tools described in the road map can only be purchased after a pool/suffrage. The lab has currently a live tv show & it has become the most successful solution to reverse climate change also the most profitable.
Data tracker protocol: Egalitarian => Marco's data 31/12/2023
Researcher. assistance x10 30 Governance token 31/12/2023
EMERGENCY assistance 100 GOV token 19/12/2023
TOTAL produce: 400Gov tokens - 50% (data for funds)
Solidarity decentralised platform pays 200 Governance tokens to Marcos,
200 Gov tokens = USDT 11,157.611 $
''Marcos is happy & financially successful''
We are 143 members.
Basically, Individuals competing against each other for a funding that we all need as society to change the current global situation.
I have come to the realisation that many of our ideas will fail individually, but as a whole we are unstoppable, have even you thought that we could be the team that changes the world? We just need to team up!
We can be the driving force of human progress, we can change paradigms, we can apply almost all the ideas into one platform, then, What's the real value here? Is not the 50 -30 ideas is US.
If we all work together, we can change the world, we are unique, we are built different, entrepreneurship does not fulfil our vision, becoming millionaire is not enough, legacy is what we are building and for that my friends we need to work together.
I don't care about money and the reality is that none here cares about money, we all care about value!
You see
We care so much that we imagined how things can be better therefore we theorise those ideas, and use the technology to transcend humanitarian paradigms, we need to learn to meaningfully to collaborate, and be the example.
Imagine 30 emerging ideas that can actively work together to make the greatest impact in human civilization!
My point is that we should not compete against each other, Humanity and biodiversity needs us together, we cannot be 143 members, divided in 50 different ideas, we have in our hands the only possibility to save humanity from collapse, I hope you understand that.
interested in combining ideas?
Let's get in contact :
Solidarity (SOLID) has already appointments for the project presentation in different NGOs
SOLID (IDO) Launch: 10/03/2022
SOLID (IDO) Market cap: 0 - Token circulation 0 - SOLID price:0.0033093
SOLID market cap: 250K– Token circulation: 3M - SOLID price: 0.083333
SOLID market cap: 500K– Token circulation: 3M - SOLID price: 0.16666
SOLID market cap: 2.5M – Token circulation: 3M - SOLID price:0.83
SOLID market cap: 5M – Token circulation: 3M - SOLID price: 1.666
SOLID market cap: 10M – Token circulation: 3M - SOLID price: 3.333
SOLID market cap: 1B – Token circulation: 4.8M - SOLID price: 142.857$
At this this point a researcher will be earning : 285.714$ per month
SOLID market cap: 2B – Token circulation: 6M - SOLID price: 142.857$
SOLID market cap: 10B – Token circulation: 6.9M - SOLID price: 1,449.2753$*
*-At this point a researcher anywhere in the world can earn up to 2,898.55$ per month
-Collaborators, volunteers, activist can earn up to 1,449.27536$ per month
SOLID market cap: 40B - Token circulation 7.17M - SOLID price: 5,578.80055 $ *
Collaborators/donors : Investors
Ampel de Venezuela, C.A
The leading lab company focused on providing specialized studies and services to protect, value and preserve the environment.
-The company Ampel de Venezuela, C.A is designing the first solution for Solidarity platform to bring drinkable water to 335 municipalities in Venezuela, currently networking with other companies to plan development strategies , this solution could give employment to 50.000 individuals
'A truly decentralized staking pool with a hybrid node implementation (data center/private server). Hosted in Switzerland and operated by a software engineer. We monthly contribute to the WFP to help refugee families. Thank you for delegating kindness!'
KONMA community developers
We are on a quest to building a global marketplace which will be entirely community driven and truly values the members within. A non-competitive marketplace for Food, Art and Lifestyle products and services offered by small business owners and passionate individuals.
future public staking pools in undeveloped countries and more
Cardano4Climate(150 members)
Littlefish Foundation Kiva-like DAO (50 members)
Jacobo - Artist
Martyn - Scientist
Elias - Plastic processing expert
Ramon -entrepreneur building materials
Luis - Chemical engineer
Caroline - Scientist
Anonymous: 10 individuals
Manuel Correa - Marine biologist, CEO of Ampel de Venezuela, C.A
Jai - public relations
Valerie - public relations
Jesus Dibyte - private developer
Cem Karaca - developer
Diego Rojas - musician -interpreter
Tokenomics expert = vacant
Blockchain 2 developer = vacant
Empower 400 Marginalized Girls
Special CARDANO and Donations
Littlefish Foundation Kiva-like DAO
RAZ Finance: Decentralized Impact
Project Budget:
Team and collaborators are going to contribute for the Solidarity platform building costs, we only require the 30,000$ to pay the minting and developers costs .
Dear Catalyst team, we are also happy to accept developers and experts, instead of the money.
Developers 2 cost for 3 months 20,000$
Tokenomics expert vacant 3 months 25,000$
SOLID (IDO)Token Minting10,000$
Blockchain 2 developer vacant 20,000$
Donations/Volunteering :
Manuel Correa - Marine biologist, first national humanitarian project for water accessibility (335 locations)
Jai - public relations --> community builder -Goal: religions united
Valerie - public relations -> community builder
Anouk - public relations -->community builder
Jesus Dibyte - private developer --> web development
Cem Karaca - private developer --> Blockchain developer
Diego Rojas - Musician -interpreter --> Translator
-Private fundings allocation:
Author: 20-30hrs per week + 2000$ for the first translations
Solidarity is (SOLID) explained 3min video = ---$
-Marketing strategy: transparency & traceability
- Social media will expose every transaction we invest to create the solidarity platform.
-Social media management tools: 100$ -150$ per month
-Social media managers: 4 (English, Spanish, French & German)
-Solidarity explained 3 min video: cost: --$ - English
-Web development for the IDO: 300$ (developer donation)
-Translation for videos in 30 languages cost: 10K approx.
Every transaction will be public to make it transparent and traceable, by updating the community on daily basis about Solidarity and (SOLID) progress.
Conclusion :
We cannot save the environment with fiat currencies, we can only do it with blockchain by bringing value to a token like SOLID representing a valuable investment in humanitarian problem-solving ,this is the fundaments of what we need, if we want to thrive as civilization.
Once we stablish a platform where donations are a form of investment by using a crypto currency with limited token supply (similar to gold) or BTC, we can correlate the value to governance tokens to fund the solutions that will solve humanitarian problems, aiming for an open platform where individuals interact via pools, suffrage, votes (tokenized data that will fund the solutions proposed by generating governance tokens)
IF we all agree we can set up an economy based in problem solving, as many proposals are focused on more specific topics like tokenization of plastic garbage, certified carbon neutral credits and more.
Join US or we join you, let's get in contact!!
I'm an autodidact, passionate about value, behaviour, philosophy, sociology, environmental science, financial dynamic and flow state.