Last updated 3 years ago
How to build trust in governance while establishing a more level playing field for all? What dApps are needed for administrative agencies?
Estonia and Switzerland have high ratings for trust by citizens. Drawing on these models, we propose to develop a model dApp for governance.
This is the total amount allocated to Creating a Level Playing Field.
Estonia and Switzerland have high ratings for trust by citizens. Drawing on these models, we propose to develop a model dApp for governance.
Teaching ethics, law, policy, administrative law, tax law, full stack developer, government transactions
The aim of this project is to build a model dApp for administrative agencies that citizens can trust and will help ensure a more level playing field for all. The model dApp can be deployed by a wide range of agencies found in developing countries, including agencies for environmental quality, contracting, transportation. The purpose of the dApp is to track transactions with individual citizens and business so that there is a publicly verifiable ledger that citizens can trust. Having such a ledger will help remove incentives for bribes by administrative officials. Eliminating bribes as a transaction cost--often quite high for individuals and small businesses--helps build a more level playing field.
Jeffrey Downard, professor at NAU specializing in law, ethics and logic. PI of NEH and NSF funded projects to build educational resources, director of crowdsourcing for SPIN project.
David Watts, Business Systems Consultant, full stack developer, Plutus pilot program
Sarah Holcomb, Tax and estate law
Tom Dietrich, transaction law, experience as government lawyer
IP: dApp code on Github
Develop design of front and back end of dApp. Create education tools on the purpose and use of the dApp. Deploy the dApp in one developing country as a test case.
Months 1-2: Develop plan for front end of dApp ($5000)
Months 2-3:Â Develop plan back end of dApp ($6000)
Months 2-3: Develop educational tools for deploying the dApp. Website development and and Youtube channel: 10 hours at $50 per hour ($500)
Months 3-4: Creation and editing of an integrated set of video tutorials on use of the dApp by different kinds of administrative agencies. ($3,500)
Month 4:Â Deploy beta version of dApp for testing by an administrative agency in one developing country. ($3000)
Project direction:Â ($6,000)
Project oversight and evaluation by members of Board of Advisors months 1-5:Â ($4,000)
Months 5-8Iterated process of testing and further development of beta version of the dApp in two more additional countries.
Months 9-12:Â Release of working version of dApp for widespread adoption.
Total: 28000
Conference and Workshop website
Gilian Hadflield, Rules for a Flat World.
Teaching ethics, law, policy, administrative law, tax law, full stack developer, government transactions