Decentralised Finance & Crypto transcend taxation.
Current tax systems = corrupt & opaque.
Constructive Global Projects = Lacking funding
Democratise individual's societal investment. Infrastructure improved globally by voluntary, anonymous investors. Ultimately replacing tax.
This is the total amount allocated to Global Project Crowd-Sourcing.
------- The Context -------
Decentralised currencies allow humanity to transcend corrupt financial systems; a factor of this is each individual's assets are obfuscated from tax-related pursuers. Many think the way in which taxes currently operate is wrong; in many cases, tax-payer money is either stolen directly, or misused by-proxy via the military-industrial-complex, prison-industrial-complex, and endless other corrupt systems that an individual has no interest in supporting.
The idealised decentralised future scenario that many of us are battling to manifest would theoretically present a situation where so many of humanity have such large percentages of their assets placed in private, decentralised systems that knowing an individual's income and worth becomes impossible. As does taxing them. This prompts the acknowledgement that a time comes where taxes may be forced to be voluntary - as the various decaying banking corporations realise they are unable to access your wealth.
------- The Proposal -------
I propose a system that will democratise an individual's societal investments, allowing infrastructure to be improved globally by voluntary, anonymous investors, in a way that is open to ultimately replacing or co-existing taxation. This project would have a very long life-span with various tiers of development. Conceptually, at first it may be similar to a trojan horse in the sense that transcending taxes is definitely not proposed as the main mission goal; moreso providing a reliable system for crowd-sourcing projects to improve global infrastructure and quality of life.
Imagine a dapp with similarities to Kickstarter-esque functions, whereby users can propose, interact with and fund a variety of global proposals.
------- The Basics -------
In a basic ideal scenario there are 3 types of user, and 3 respective modes for the dapp.
1: Proposer
2: Supporter
3: Creator
Proposers can create projects which would be assigned to particular categories and locations, alongside details such as the proposed funding values required. Proposers may offer rewards such as NFTs etc for particular support levels. Proposer profiles would show their history etc.
Supporters using the dapp can browse, interact with and support projects they wish to actually contribute their funds towards; this could be simple local projects such as road repairs, or more altruistic projects such as funding an overseas water-purification system. They can earn rewards and build altruistic profiles (or remain anonymous).
Creators are teams that wish to branch their businesses into this new sector. They would each apply to have a creator profile, with a selection of relevant categories/ professional specialities (construction, restoration, renewable energy, etc) and the locations they are active.
------- How it comes together -------
Proposer X needs a water purification system for their village. Proposer X creates a project proposal for this category and in their relevant location. Registered 'Creator' teams who have applicable professional abilities will be shown to Proposer X. Proposer X selects Creator Y for the water purification system project. Creator Y has established $A-$B range for 'water purification' tasks on their profile, alongside other details such as previous works, estimated production time etc.
Creator Y is shown Proposer X's project and produces a final quote '$C' . This is the sum required to exercise the funding contract. Finishing touches to the proposal are applied (such as permitting global funding or just local, development milestones for funding checkpoints and supporter rewards). Proposer X's project is now live, and visible to 'Supporters' using the dapp globally.
Supporter Z is browsing new proposals, looking for helpful projects to invest in. Supporter Z finds the 'water purification' proposal, and can browse the proposal and inspect the ratings/ history of the Creator and the Proposer to ascertain greater details. Supporters who wish to fund this project can lock in their decided value towards the $C project requirement.
Supporter Z decides to support the project with $D. A snapshot of Supporter Z's contribution in the form of raw value $D AND % value of the total $C are stored for refund purposes if the project is cancelled or fails whilst underway.
All supporter funding is locked in a smart-contract that is only exercised if the full limit $C is reached. The contract of $C is then released sequentially to Creator Y as the project passes assigned developmental checkpoints. This increases the safety of the Supporters investment.
------- Referring to Problem Statement: -------
This protocol would provide the basis for voluntary donations towards both local and global infrastructure, providing a transparent blockchain-backed route for the funding of developmental projects across the globe. This would accelerate global development, whilst providing humanity with conceptual alternatives to the government-run, tax-fed machine we have been conditioned to accept. This idea in full fruition, to some extent, transcends governments and tax, allowing people from across the globe to invest in projects that visibly and rapidly improve infrastructure and life quality. This also provides a means for workforces across the globe to connect with new audiences and markets via the projects.
-------- Defining success: -------
Success after 3-6-12 months:
- Realistically a dapp of this magnitude could take this amount of time or longer just to get basic working codes on a testnet. This is a project with a lifespan equal to that of mankind's need to improve infrastructure and quality of life globally - theoretically eternal. As such it would not be a rushed project.
Success in the short term:
- An outcome relatable to a more practical alternative to Kickstarter, providing trustless, transparent public funding for global projects with integration of social profile models whereby users can accrue artefacts commemorating their funded projects/ transformative acts.
- From the conception the project will be leaning towards projects that improve global infrastructure and quality of life, rather than specifically the consumerist avenue that Kickstarter resides upon - although theoretically this can also be a category.
Long term success (decades):
- Would involve the dapp becoming an established place for workforces to acquire work contracts (Similar to how workers create profiles on Fiverr for specific categories).
- Success would resemble a strong network effect bringing in a rich variety of 'Creator' talent globally, allowing versatile projects to be constructed competitively and creatively at any point on earth.
- A strong network effect would also create an inherent value in the Supporter and Proposer profiles, as people seek NFT rewards to enhance their profile and commemorate the projects they have helped fund/ create.
- The increasing userbase would in-turn present larger pools of liquid capital that can be invested in projects, increasing the detail and scope of projects.
Even longer term success:
- This dapp or dapps with similar concepts will co-exist or replace some areas of taxation, allowing voluntary one-off or recurring investments in projects that improve global infrastructure using transparent technology. This far surpasses the murky waters through which much of our tax money currently pass.
- Vastly improved quality of life and infrastructure on a GLOBAL scale.
- Funding for projects globally now vast, free-flowing, voluntary and transparent.
- Enjoyable social profiles and rewards leads to emergence of new forms of notoriety/ fame emerging from the good an individual has helped create in the world, in turn helping shift global moral compass in a better direction, alongside allowing individuals to transcend corrupt financial systems & governments.
-------- Summary --------
Similar to a trojan horse, this dapp would not immediately focus on overthrowing taxes, instead leaning into the general altruistic and constructive possibilities of blockchain-based infrastructure funding projects integrated with user-profiles and rewards. An added benefit of a sophisticated supporter, creator and proposer profiles is the incentivisation/ weaponisation of ego for worldly good; for the first time individuals can earn blockchain-based rewards for participation in unique global projects and build portfolios of the good they are investing in.
The dapp could organise projects via trends such as categories, locations and more. Supporters wishing to make consistent monthly/ yearly payments similar to tax can choose specific projects each time or assign a recurring deposit to be allocated to an ongoingly changing portfolio of projects relevant to a category/ies of interest to the Supporter.
This allows verifiable and trustless evidence and control for where your spending is allocated, in turn gaining the ability to earn rewards commemorating the projects you have aided, and the world you have helped shape. These could form powerful incentives alongside general altruistic motivations.
If this app could be in full resolution, it would provide a solid stepping stone for humanity to leap from classical taxation in coming decades, until then providing a powerful engine for transformative world growth.
There is much more depth possible to discuss, this is just a basic overview of the concept.
------- Misc -------
The funding requirement is arbitrary. I have no real coding experience and thus unfortunately am rather useless in this conquest I care so deeply about. This idea is completely free to use, take parts of, adapt etc. I spend lots of time thinking about important/ transformative use-cases and even though I sadly cannot create them there is always a chance it may be used by others.
I could talk a lot more about this but I fear it may be redundant having no coding experience and I don't wish to waste any people's time.
Thanks for reading, best wishes.
BSc Psychology with a focus in Neuroeconomics.
Currency investor since 2017.
Cryptocurrency/ privacy advocate
Regrettably useless