Last updated 3 years ago
SSI/DDI technologies will start to become more relevant in Cardano but there is no stake pool oriented to this segment
Create a stake pool that allows for the promotion and adoption of SSI/DID technologies in addition to business verticals implementations
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano DID Community SPO.
Create a stake pool that allows for the promotion and adoption of SSI/DID technologies in addition to business verticals implementations
Msc Economics focused on Quantitative Finance, Incentives and Blockchain
January 2022: PhD in Management focusing in Community Policy
Abbreviations & Definitions:
Atala PRISM Pioneer Program "Self-governance of Emergent Communities"
Use Case: Cardano DID Community
Project Introduction:
Develop a Stake Pool to help us promote the adoption and benefits of linking communities by introducing the concepts of SSI/DID. Using an introductory course, a Community VC would be issued upon completion nd stored at our partner "Open Source Credential Wallet". In addition we will carry out economic-social research through mainstream crowdsourcing platform to tap into the psyche of the Cardano user and non-user community with the objective of understanding the needs and values with a solid statistical base. Identify the current state of recognition, beliefs and acceptance of the SSI/DID technologies in order to align the possible solution(s) to the interests and requirements of the community. Research and its insights will be available for the use and benefit of the community.
Community empowerment and sense of belonging are factors necessary but not sufficient for the adoption of these solutions. Research of the Cardano Community along with a decentralized interoperable design native to Cardano; could be sufficient.
The research methodology for the introduction of details and characteristics of the specialized concepts of SSI/DID with a mass-scale reach as the building blocks of a community-centered Trust Ecosystem will follow:
Project Details:
As an initial step, working in coordination with our partner "DID for Cardano Indonesia Community" we will create the building blocks for the introduction of educational material through workshops, issuance of Community VCs, and the partnership with holder wallet.
By joining forces under the same umbrella, we could integrate a comprehensive English Based WebApp MVP that could be named: "Cardano DID Community" that allows for new countries/regions/communities to join and follow our efforts with a standardized approach.
For the second semester of 2022, we would focus on delivering workshops to promote adoption and to invite more countries/regions/communities to use our approach for their own needs. By applying the knowledge acquired at the Atala PRISM Pioneer Program, we would give the community its first basic use case and allow for others to join and grow in a similar way.
Why is this important?
Traditional commons literature often consider "subtractive" resources such as forests and fisheries where one person's use reduces the benefits available for another. Contrary to this, knowledge has been traditionally considered "nonsubtractive" since the more people who share useful knowledge, the greater the common good. (Hess & Ostrom, 2017) This proposal aims at increasing awareness of SSI/DID technologies through didactical and applied sharing of knowledge.
What does success look like?
Schedule: January - June 2022
Team & Partnerships:
We are open for collaborations.
Partners from Atala PRISM Pioneer Program:
1) Partnership and collaboration with Andreas Sosilo from "DID for Cardano Indonesia Community" @andreassosilo
2) Partnership and collaboration with Lance from "Open Source Credential Wallet" @LanceB
3) New d-EdTech Platform for LatAm
4) (APPP) Atala Prism Program Pioneers
Important Notice:
Msc Economics focused on Quantitative Finance, Incentives and Blockchain
January 2022: PhD in Management focusing in Community Policy