Achieving more decentralization requires more tools for self-governance for different communities in the ecosystem.
The formation of a Pool Network will favor the self-governance of the communities and will encourage the decentralization of the ecosystem
This is the total amount allocated to Community Pool Network.
Decentralization goes hand in hand with governance, ecosystems, communities, networks, etc. They work based on rules, and the more governance and tools to manage it we have, the more effective we will be in using them.
SPOs are essential people in pool management, for this reason we have decided to form a network of pools with a common treasure and with internal governance that seeks a simple purpose: to develop common tools for community needs.
The Cardano community is growing, as is the Catalyst developer and developer community. In this year that Catalyst is going to meet, we have seen dozens of emerging communities and projects collaborate and develop hundreds of tools for all types of consumers.
As the ecosystem grows and different communities with different objectives are generated, there is also the need for self-management tools to achieve healthy and inclusive governance and the need to raise funds to achieve the self-sustainability of the project.
To achieve the latter, many projects decide to invest in a Pool and a SPOs to obtain the necessary delegation to make it a self-sustainable funding method, the downside of this is that as the ecosystem grows and communities expand, small operators and emerging projects will encounter greater competition, therefore, greater difficulty.
Therefore, a group of communities and projects in the Catalyst ecosystem have decided to join collective forces and build a network of pools with a general treasury to support emerging projects that target management, governance, and scalability tools at the community level.
Ryuuki Network
Ryuuki (Japanese for Watershed) is an assembly of projects that were born in the Catalyst ecosystem, where we have developed our products, services, collaborations, and allocated our time and resources. Now, as we and the community grow and mature, we find ourselves with the desire to meet common community demands and challenges.
We believe we are stronger together and we take the initiative and responsibility to build this pilot. We communicate, support, and collaborate continuously in the development of our goals and we want to do the same with the community.
Ryuuki Network Funds and Support Goals
Established Cardano ecosystem projects and/or communities that have not received Catalyst funding.
Projects that do not fit into the catalyst funding model.
Projects with very specific interests and aligned with the promoted objectives of the network.
With these objectives, the Ryuuki network seeks to support community projects that, due to their financial or development structure, do not fit the Project Catalyst model and even if they do, they have difficulties in aligning their project with the challenges. It is also a great opportunity to support and make visible community projects that do not have media reach in Catalyst.
Team Members
The Ryuuki Network is made up of 15 different projects with their own pool and with the common intention of contributing value to the ecosystem, this network has emerged organically when we discovered the similarity of challenges we have overcome and the alignment to contribute back to the community.
We have all overcome difficult moments in the development of our ideas and have learned how to deal with the ecosystem and how to work in the best way, therefore we have committed to contribute our experience to help new users.
These 15 projects have emerged in the beginning, without financial support and have shown that often the social incentive to contribute to a change, is more valuable than the economy, we have managed to achieve some goals and we can say that we have established our communities in the ecosystem and we want to give back our experience, supporting projects that Catalyst can not.
AIM - AIM the Assembly of Inspired masses is a community committed and dedicated to build tools and solutions from the community, for the community. Slogan of AIM is "Tools, not Rules". AIM is well known by the creation of the very appreciated CA & vCA tools, The voter Tool and the feedback tool
Bridge Builders - The Bridge Builders are an aligned group of highly engaged and committed Catalyst Community members coming together as a community-driven Assembly to provide value to their environment. We problem-sense challenges and identify gaps within the Cardano and Catalyst ecosystem. In collaboration with well-established community projects, we co-build and design "tailor-made" solutions in line with the Cardano & Catalyst philosophy of "from the community, with the community, for the community."
CC Admin Team - The CC Admin team was created to facilitate, track, and record interactions of the Catalyst Circle. The team is a grassroots organization and social experiment that developed out of Catalyst as a collaborative initiative. The CC Admin Team is working to set up mechanisms and processes to aid in decentralized governance in general and looks to open source and provide administrative governance capability to the greater community.
Catalyst School - Introducing the future of education. The Catalyst School was initiated by a group of highly engaged Catalyst Community Advisors and Mentors with the initial focus on educating CAs. In the further evolution the Catalyst School evolved a format to provide education and introduction to all kinds of roles and activities within the Catalyst Ecosystem.
Catalyst Swarm - Swarm is everybody who identifies with the vision to share ideas, visions and ambitions and to collaborate on building the future society of Cardano. We are representatives of the idea of an open, inclusive and diverse network of doers and visionairs, working hand in hand to add value to the Cardano Ecosystem
Eastern Town Hall - The Eastern Townhall Cardano Catalyst Community is helping to enable community members from a wide variety of countries and languages in the eastern time zones. We are building an Asian Community center of gravity to invite, encourage and empower our friends from the Asian Communities to transform their ideas into real impact.
Gimbalabs - Our mission is to mobilize everyone to develop tools and applications through a unique experience of co-creation that facilitates adoption of the Cardano protocol, reveals new possibilities, and ignites the public imagination worldwide.
Innovatio - Our mission is to encourage the exchange and creation of business value between different entrepreneurs and freelancers in the digital world.
SANADA - SANADA (Salmon Nation Decentralized Alliance) seeks to act as a resource for software developers; connect with and educate the local community, creatives, and businesses; and raise awareness of blockchain technologies and the power of decentralization. We seek to solve local challenges to bring creative and sustainable solutions to the region and empower regional communities.
SecretDecks - A Distributed cooperative (DisCo) that is elevating Tarot and other tools for self-knowledge and -realisation, into a metaverse experience. Offering safe spaces for esoterics, witches and magicians, to share and collaborate creatively.
SPOCRA - A assembly and collective of independent Stake Pool Operators, united in the vision and mission to support community driven and decentralized Stake Pool Ecosystem
Quality Assurance DAO (QA-DAO) started as a Project Catalyst Fund 5 Proposal in the Developer Ecosystem challenge. Its current core activities are documenting the pathway of a funded cohort & assessment of Catalyst's reporting requirements. QA-DAO designs and maintains documentation and tracks activity in open-source GitHub repositories for the Catalyst Circle, Catalyst Swarm and The Catalyst School.
Wada - Wada gives voice and access to people of African heritage and interest by providing the tools to reimagine new socioeconomic models in a way that reflects local cultures, values and future aspirations. Although our focus is on Africa, WADA is an all inclusive organization structured to provide seekers with providers. This is done with a focus on decentralization, self-organisation and distributive governance.
In brief
Network architecture
As we can observe, the SPO Ecosystem and community is lacking communication, coordination and collaboration. Stake Pools have to operate in a highly competitive environment and it is hard to build alignment and networks in this space.
As Catalyst veterans, which actively co-creates an environment in Catalyst where collaboration is an established standard, we aim to bring a new wind into the SPO ecosystem by acting as an aligned and united network of Stake Pools.
Representing ourselves as a Network will help us as well to build and maintain a delegators community for our Pool Network. A common driven marketing campaign decrease costs but increase its impact for all included projects and communities
We have organized a meeting to collectively decide how to fund and manage the general treasury of the community and we thought it best to create a stake pool per project and contribute to a common treasury, this way each pool would act independently and the funded treasury would be managed collectively.
Independients Stake Pools > Common Network > Common Marketing and Goals
The operation would be as follows:
Each project establishes its own independent stake pool.
Each stake pool takes a role in the community and defines its goals.
The common treasure and objectives of the network are defined collectively through governance.
The expenses, investments and profits of the network are equally supported by each project.
Treasury financing and governance
We have organized a meeting to collectively decide how to fund and manage the general treasury of the community and we thought it best to create a stake pool per project and contribute to a common treasury, this way each pool would act independently and the funded treasury would be managed collectively.
The operation would be as follows:
Each independent stake pool becomes a member of the network and its participation is established.
Each project periodically delegates a % of profits from its stake pool to the general treasury.
The treasury will be managed by the network and will focus on helping and incentivizing sectors where Catalyst does not reach, supporting initiatives crucial for decentralization and governance.
Independients Stake Pools give % rewards > Common Network > Common Goals
Governance system
The governance of the network is a representative democracy where each project will have a representative to express its opinion and vote.
The representatives will have the same voting rights, regardless of the economic contribution to the network or the type of project they represent.
The votes to be approved must have a 65% of the representatives' consensus, always prioritizing the satisfaction of everyone's goals, being able to reach the highest possible consensus.
Proposal Goals
The goal of this proposal is to take a revolutionary step in the self-governance and control of a collective treasury and achieve the following accomplishments.
Establish, finance and govern a community treasury.
Audit and analyze the process of this experiment to draw conclusions.
Explore different ways to make democratic decisions
Establish connections with places beyond Project Catalyst's reach.
To serve as a base and test case for future community networks.
Community networks can achieve greater impact by acting collectively, collaborating and supporting each other.
SPOs will be more in demand and their reputation will play an important role.
Emerging projects will be supported by other decentralized networks in the Cardano ecosystem and will not rely solely on Catalyst.
We encourage projects outside of Catalyst that encourage self-management and decentralized communities.
The Ryuki pool network is up and running, with its pools operating and in continuous close and collaborative communication with the community, therefore, the network has been formed by carefully selected projects that have demonstrated their contribution and commitment to the Catalyst community.
As the network of pools is up and running and does not require any DAPP or complex technical development, compliance with the proposal is fully assured.
The Ryuki network is fully transparent in its management by storing all records in an auditable and secure way on the GitHub and YouTube channel, making them accessible to the entire community, providing traceability and transparency on delegations, transfers, governance and funding.
In this way, we are creating documentation, manuals and parameters that can be used in future networks.
By being in constant communication and having defined governance parameters, we are able to work efficiently, flexibly and dynamically to react to any unforeseen event.
Roadmap (Q1)
Launch of Web site and Marketing Campaign.
Launch of the first funding campaign.
Establish contact and communication with communities related to our goal.
This proposal is planned to be developed in the next 3 months, where we intend to establish a contact network and launch our first funding campaign in order to obtain information and test this type of community structure.
KPIs / OKRs:
Amount of funds delegated to the network (calculated in total net periodic revenue)
Number of communities integrated in the network's communication network
Number of projects financed
Number of successful projects
Number of initiatives presented to each fund
Budget breakdown
Management and Coordination - 6000 USD
Marketing Campaign - 3000 USD
Accountant costs - 3000 USD
Governance Budget - 15000 USD
Unexpected Costs - 3000 USD
SPOs, Funded Propose, Poject leader and Funder, Community Advisors and Proposal Mentors, Cardano Ambassadors and Catalyst Cirlce Mmebers