Last updated 2 years ago
The rate of adoption of decentralized ID & Verifiable Credentials is limited by the amount of people who have a good user experience.
A Point of Sale interface that enables businesses and individuals to transact together with the assurance of identity credentials.
This is the total amount allocated to Boost Personal & Business Adoption.
A Point of Sale interface that enables businesses and individuals to transact together with the assurance of identity credentials.
Many years experience in software and scientific research & collaboration.
An easy to use app that businesses and individuals can use for point of sale or sending funds between each other incorporating decentralized ID's and VC's for transaction security. This will boost the overall adoption rate of decentralized ID as a whole. This app interacts with the Infinity backend to allow people make transactions on the blockchain with identity tied into the transaction. That way consumers and business owners can have a record of spending or income tied to themselves or a financial entity such as a business.
An ecosystem that supports itself and the people and business built on top of it encourages healthy and sustainable growth. This proposal addresses a problem in the current ecosystem that the availability of app and products to integrate decentralized identity information into is almost non existent. This solution exposes individuals and businesses to âwhatâ decentralized identity is, and integrates the technology itself into a transaction flow. What this application does, is bridge the gap between the decentralized identity wallet and a transaction. It leverages payment network that is currently being built on Cardano and is looking to find its way into the hands of individuals and business owners across the world.
This project requires a clear technical understanding of Atala Prism, Self sovereign identity (SSI), verifiable credentials (VC) and decentralized ID (DID). The project hinges product design, user experience and an essential understanding of how the Infinity project structures its transaction payload.
The project is broken down into phases:
Planning Phase:Â Â Â Â Â Â May 2 - May 15
Execution App Development: May 16 - July 31
Testing & Auditing:Â Â Â Â Â Â Aug 1 - Aug 31
Total project timeline is 17.3 weeks. Two developers will be required for the Planning Phase (2-weeks). One developer for App development, UX design. One developer Infinity network, Decentralized ID wallet and/or VC backend integration (Execution phase). One developer for the testing phase (4-weeks).
Proposed Salary for developer per month: $4231
This breaks down to:
$3896 for two weeks for two developers in the Planning Phase.
$10,714 for one developer for 11 weeks during the execution phase.
$3896 for one developer for 4 weeks in the testing phase.
Total: $18,506
Smart Contract & Defi developer, PhD Mathematical Physics, BSc Computer Science, SPO, Catalyst 7 funded, Plutus pioneer, Atala Prism pioneer (cohort 2)
The project is broken down into phases. The schedule of the project outlines major milestones and parts of the execution and deployment phases that have dependencies. Progress can be measured by the project's developers to stay on schedule and complete activities. For example in the Execution phase is split in to submodules. Regular updates will be given on the status of the activities in the project timeline so the community and Catalyst can measure progress. One of the major KPIâs will be a beta release milestone for testing.
Success is ultimately measured by adoption of the product and the services it provides. This application is targeted at individuals wishing to purchase goods and services from producers or business owners who use the app as a point of sale device. Integrating decentralized ID into transactions helps boost the adoption rate of SSI, VC and DIDâs as a technology and adds extra features and security for individuals and business owners throughout their transaction flow.
This proposal will leverage the infrastructure of the Infinity project, funded in Catalyst 7. However, this project focuses on a UX application, a front end to Infinity point of sale and remittance and should be seen as a separate project within the framework on Infinity as a whole.
Many years experience in software and scientific research & collaboration.