Last updated 2 years ago
Time available in the Assess stage alone is maybe not enough to garner a larger assessment rate which are also of high quality.
Allow CAs to start writing assessments earlier. Even when ideas are not completely finished. As ideas are getting refined so can assessments
This is the total amount allocated to Incremental CA assessments.
Allow CAs to start writing assessments earlier. Even when ideas are not completely finished. As ideas are getting refined so can assessments
I was a proposer and a CA in F7.
I have 10 years of professional experience in full-stack web development.
Proposed CA-specific process changes as well as CA tool modifications:
Proposed vCA-specific process changes as well as vCA tool modifications:
Proposed CA backend script modifications:
The CAs will have more time to write more meaningful assessments. Because of the incremental approach, they will have the opportunity to start very early in the process. Even if only 50% of the mandatory fields were filled, one can start assessing the existing content. Even if the content changes in the future and is added upon, the time to catch-up to the changes is relatively low.
It also addresses the issue of some CAs not being available in the allotted time for "Assess" stage. Furthermore, many CAs have full-time jobs and families which occupy most of their time. This approach will give CAs more flexibility to schedule their time for reading and understanding proposals and giving meaningful assessments.
Some CAs might not have time to dedicate a large block of time to work on one thing. Some may prefer a more flexible and "scattered" approach, where they can allocate smaller portions of their time across a larger time contingent so that they can continuously improve their assessments. This leads to less stress in trying to cram as many assessments under ones belt in a short time-span.
With CAs trying to understand the proposals sooner, could lead to them being more involved in the proposals via asking questions, giving constructive criticism, giving advice, or simply mentioning what they feel is missing for them.
I foresee no risk of nondelivery, however there are other risks one must be aware of.
The risk is that CAs will not update their assessments which could lead to them being invalid. Luckily this can be easily detectable through the creation/last modified timestamp and the history of changes. Unfortunately, the risk of having to trash these assessments still remain.
There is a possibility of proposals not making it to the "Assess QA" stage after assessing has started. This would lead to wasted time and dissatisfaction on the part of the CAs.
I will allocate about 16 hours of work per month to the project.
The solution will be delivered in 6 months. Prototypes and earlier versions of the solution will be constantly shared with the community (i.e. devs, CAs, vCAs, Cardano IdeaScale admins...) in order to receive valuable feedback.
Setup - 10 hours
I will check out the existing CA tool and vCA tool projects from Github in order to get better acquainted with how it's structured and what are it's inputs and outputs.
I will get in contact with the developer(s) of the projects.
I will setup the working environment (IDE, Node and packages) on my local development machine.
I will make the tools run successfully on my local development machine.
Analysis - 10 hours
I will analyse the code in order to gain comfortable understanding about the tools.
I will get acquainted with the current state of features which are already available and which are currently in progress of development.
I will brush up on my knowledge of Vue. I have only used Vue on two projects in the past - one as a hobbyist another as a small professional project at work.
Implementation - 44 hours
I will be making changes to the tools:
Continuous Testing & Feedback - 20 hours
Hours are assigned to individual tasks above.
10+10+44+20 = 84 hours total
84 * $50 = $4200
Jan Bezget, a 10 years full-stack web developer
I have already defined tasks above which will be auditable through the Github commits of the already forked projects:
Entirely new one.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
I was a proposer and a CA in F7.
I have 10 years of professional experience in full-stack web development.