Last updated 2 years ago
Education in IT and European diploma should be affordable to students from all over the world. But it is expensive and hardly accessible.
European diploma in IT could be obtained online through Smart Students DApp and its ecosystem with no commission in Cardano network.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Smart Students DApp.
European diploma in IT could be obtained online through Smart Students DApp and its ecosystem with no commission in Cardano network.
It Akademia JSC has wide experience in development of online platforms, IT education and blockchain applications.
Market: Cardano Smart Students DApp project will enable a huge number of people around the world - Latin America, Africa, Asia (over 600 million in India and China) to obtain a higher education degree in Informatics and Computer Science with a "European diploma" without leaving the family and work environment. Тhe project represents the evolution from "bricks" (buildings) to a Virtual electronic University (VeU) - a web-based environment that models the learning process in the Cardano Smart Students Dapp. This model has many advantages over traditional universities:
By adhering to the concept of Cardano Smart Students DApp, the potential users of educational services will be:
Product: Cardano Smart Students Dapp's purpose is to ensure highest level of communication between European educational institutions and students. It is designed to be scalable and to easily process huge databases with profiles, learning materials and educational content using the principles of parallel information processing. The platform will be built in modules, which will allow adding, removing or editing individual parts of it without affecting its overall functionality. The highest security standards will be set for both the profiles and the available data. The platform will have algorithms for Artificial Intelligence (AI), which will be employed for a more complete user experience, analysis of the usage of the platform and predictions for future actions.
Acquisition: Downloading, registration and reviewing some study materials on Cardano Smart Students Dapp will be for no cost. When the student decides to join particular educational program - all the tuitions, fees and necessary learning materials will be paid in application tokens based on Cardano blockchain.
Monopoly: The use of the Cardano Smart Students Dapp will get more stronger with the widespread acceptance of decentralization and cryptocurrencies as a means of payment.
The initiators of the Cardano Smart Students Dapp project estimate that for its successful implementation a total budget of $160,000, of which $ 80,000 own funds are already spent in development of the project and $80,000 grant under the Cardano Catalyst program is needed.
According to analysts on average, a development team needs 1,000 hours and more to build the basic functionality for an online e-learning platform. As Cardano Smart Students Dapp is a blockchain project and it will have unique features, so the final estimate may exceed twice or more times the hours needed for development of the platform.
The Cardano Catalyst grant of $80,000 will be spent as follows:
IT Akademia JSC:
Atanas Kostov - CEO
Developers - 5 people
Key performance indicators (KPIs):
Putting the educational blockchain system into schools, colleges and universities will make all students' educational data integrated into blockchain ledgers. The immutability feature of blockchain technology will remove the possibility of modifying educational record and the Cardano Smart Students DApp will serve as a reliable intermediary in the educational process.
The proposal was presented in F7 but was not funded:
It Akademia JSC has wide experience in development of online platforms, IT education and blockchain applications.