There is a lack of connection between PC Community / Voters & NFT Project Creators / Developers
I will host twenty, half hour live streams with NFT creators / developers who are seeking funding through Project Catalyst in Fund 9
This is the total amount allocated to NFT Devs Bridge to Project Catalyst.
The raw talent behind successful deployment in the NFT space is impressive, yet limited. The specific skill sets of these individuals and teams do not necessarily include marketing and conversational interaction with their teams and end users, at least in the beginning phases of the projects.
With Project Catalysts support, I can dedicate myself to setting up a livestream video for 20 teams in Fund 9 that are focused on also using Project Catalyst for initial or complimentary funding. This essentially allows a start up project to focus on what they are building, while I complete the pre/post production logistics involved with proper studio management, advertisement and front/back end SEO work.
The FAM challenge is asking for increased knowledge and adoption of Cardano through platforms and high quality media content. This project will allow multiple NFT projects, from around the world, a single source platform to discuss their projects, in detail with an interactive Q&A session.
The project catalyst community, voters and general public will be introduced to the creators and developers building our future. With 20 new videos that are all focused on the same sector, hosted by someone wise to the subject matter.
Due to the popularity of NFT’s in general people will gather, then the underlying dynamics of what NFT’s are accomplishing throughout the Cardano Ecosystem will be revealed drawing NFT builders and investors from other chains in to explore and adopt Cardano as their new home.
Schedule consistency for regular viewer support as well as individual project interest may cause fluctuations between episode views – may require dual broadcasts for different time zones.
Fund 9 participants involvement - if NFT community through PC lacks, I will divert into other areas and fulfill the obligation of 20 Fund 9 interviews
During the weeks preceding Fund 9 I will make contacts with current fund 8 proposers and fund 7 cohorts with direct involvement in NFT space, as well as Project Catalyst, who may be involved with Fund 9 again. We will discuss this project and how it may have helped them, then build around that.
As I connect with current NFT projects in the space working hard for their own funding, I will also direct them to Project Catalyst and the potential assistance within.
I will create the forms for initial screening and connections, logo’s & links to provide to the interviewees.
All equipment needs are met through previous PC funding.
Services I intend to use are 'melonapp' for in studio, YouTube connected with Odysee for broadcast, Discord for community management.
In advance of every broadcast, descriptions and links will be sent to the teams to post on their socials and draw live viewers for the Q&A portion.
Following the broadcast, chapters and additional links will be added to the description, the live stream will be downloaded and provided to the guest upon request so they can manage it as needed for self-promotion.
I am estimating 8-10 hours spent per interview for contacting, communicating, form collection, digital studio buildout, physical studio setup. description narrative writeup, discord management, studio buildout, advertisement/marketing, interview, follow-up conversations, description updates, chapter builds, SEO
8000 / 20 videos = 400 each
400 / 8-10hrs = $40-50 / hr
Before this fund makes it to governance stage, I will be “Full Time Cardano”, therefore, I will have time dedicated and primary focused attention for successful execution on this project and can manage it “solo”. Also have an extensive network of allies throughout the ecosystem willing to help as needed.
Discord community growth
Increased number of interview candidates over time
Initial interviews as the Fund 9 project starts to ramp up, performing 3 interviews per week
20 delivered live interviews with outreach and new connections throughout the community
Calling from the community to repeat this for Fund 10 and beyond
Other than equipment use and upgraded skills from prior funded proposals , this is entirely new
Project Catayst F5 & 6 Cohort, YouTube & Odysee Channel Owner, Multiple edited interviews and Live Streams with various contributors, NFT Creator & Investor, Discord Administrator