Last updated 2 years ago
Few people in the Caribbean region are familiar with blockchain technology and how to utilize it within their professions and beyond.
Conduct digital and in person workshops in the region. Where individuals (eg. artist/entrepreneurs) and entities are introduced to Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Caribbean.
Conduct digital and in person workshops in the region. Where individuals (eg. artist/entrepreneurs) and entities are introduced to Cardano.
I’m a Cardano NFT artist who is actively developing my art gallery/studio on the Caribbean island, Anguilla. Over the past two decades I’ve also practiced as a licensed funeral director/embalmer in NYC and thought clinical embalming for about 7 years as an adjunct professor.
This initiative should have an immediate positive impact on the artist communities of the Caribbean islands as there is some level of awareness of NFT’s within the blockchain world. However the minting technology on Cardano is not known and access to developers is almost nonexistent.
These Cardano workshops will discuss basic blockchain concepts and etiquette so as to establish the fundamental knowledge required for safe participation in our ecosystem. We will also cover, metadata creation, minting of NFT’s and placing the Art into a established marketplaces for artist and aspiring artist within the Caribbean region.
Cardano Caribbean would like to work with developers to establish a Caribbean NFT marketplace, with minting services. The fees generated from the marketplace will be utilized to continue to grow Cardano NFT’s within the region.
I believe it is also important for individuals to be exposed to other facets of our ecosystem such as Defi and Gaming so Cardano Caribbean will also have workshops that assist individuals who are interested in such.
I think that multiple digital workshops held over a two days periods with at least two in person regional meetups annually on an island in the region can and will do wonders for Cardano’s growth/adaption in the Caribbean region.
My solution will address the challenge by giving people of the region who are just becoming curious about blockchain technology the resources necessary to leverage the Cardano blockchain. Which in my opinion presents one of the soundest solutions to economical global commerce.
I believe that once artist and entrepreneurs become aware of how to utilize Cardano tech such as wallets and Defi platforms they will and have life changing experiences. This will I turn lead to an organic growth of Cardano adaptors throughout the close knit Caribbean region.
One of the main challenges I foresee for this challenge would probably be the in person Cardano Caribbean Community meetups in the region as a result of Covid 19 travel restrictions but I am confident that as travel returns to normal such events will be priceless to the continued growth of the Cardano Caribbean community as physical human discussion/interaction is.
I would like to have the first digital/in person (hybrid) workshop on Anguilla in summer 2022, where I will invite local artist and entrepreneurs and those from the neighboring island of St.Maarten/St. Martin and St Barths to come have “a conversation about blockchain”.
This first session (Day) of this conversation will not involve any wallet set up. It will be solely for the purpose of exploring the initial questions many have about blockchain Technology and why Cardano.
The second session (Day) will assist any interested individuals with wallet set up and schedule follow up one on one sessions to explore their interest farther. We will not be giving financial advice, our purpose will be to help individuals navigate the blockchain resources that best serve their interest.
I am confident that the developers and individuals I’ve met thus far who are not only talented but Defi competent and knowledgeable about things that are currently beyond my capability will provide their time and services to assist in this endeavor.
The requested funds will enable me to cover the initial cost associated with the establishment of Cardano Caribbean as Non for profit organization on the island Anguilla (est. $2500.00 USD), secure a location and other requirements necessary for the first Cardano Caribbean digital/in person workshop hosted on Anguilla in July/August 2022.
-$5000.00 worth of Ada will be utilized to introduce artist and musicians to the Cardano NFT ecosystem throughout the Caribbean region during the course of the year. I will set up a website that presents the collection of Cardano Caribbean artist work as they are being sold in established Cardano NFT marketplaces. After being assisting with wallet set up, The Caribbean artist will gain financial assistance from Cardano Caribbean to mint their art as well as be given some Ada to mint subsequent work on Cardano. (Eg. 50 Artist receiving 100 USD worth of Ada each equals $5000.00 USD, or 100 Artist receiving 50 Ada each equals the same)
Educated community member participation will be necessary so three Cardano Community members will be selected to travel to Anguilla in order to present and answer questions at the two day event. The cost of their accomadatins for three nights as well as cost of travel to the island up to $700.00 USD will be covered by the funds received by Cardano Caribbean.
-$2100.00 allocated for Air Travel to Anguilla for three people at $700.00 per person. (Travel may include Ferry boat depending on route)
-Accommodations $2264.92 (Three rooms at The Anguilla Great House for three nights at $204.60 USD per night plus 10% Service charge and 13% Government tax)
-Attached to the proposal is a itemization for the Tent and equipment required for the Cardano Caribbean lawn event at The Anguilla Great House hotel on Anguilla. ($7620.00 USD)
-The $5515.08 remaining of the $25,000.00 USD requested would be utilized to cover light Catered food and drinks for the event (cost unknown), building of the Cardano Caribbean website (cost unknown) as well as any other incidentals.
(The Anguilla Great House offers economical accommodations on one of Anguilla’s finest beaches and they will offer a special rate to any in the Cardano Community and beyond who would like to attend the event if it comes to fruition. They are offering their rooms at a 20% discounted rate of $204.60 USD per night plus (10% Service charge and 13% Government tax.
There are also several other options with regards to accommodations on the island and I would be happy to assist anyone interested in visiting with regards to finding the island accommodation that best suits them. I trust other accommodation partnerships can and will be forged as Cardano Caribbean grows.)
I will require assistance with a discord set up to host the digital workshops and a website to act as a hub for Cardano Caribbean (while the marketplace Is developed). I have a gentleman in mind to assist me with the Discord and front end web development.
Cardano Caribbean will require the services of a full scale development team at some point to build the marketplace. (Cost unknown)
We will also require the assistance of other active Cardano community members and or Catalyst advisors to help with the digital information sessions that will be regularly advertised IRL on the islands in the Caribbean region.
The progress of this initiative will be measurable by the increase of Caribbean artist selling their creations on established marketplaces until Cardano Caribbean Marketplace can be developed.
The efforts of myself and others involved in the initiative will also be reviewable as I would like to implement some means for such on the official website when it is complete for honest feedback and testimonials.
I will comply with all laws and maintain high ethical standards with regards to conducting Cardano Caribbean business, all funds will be maintained in a public wallet and utilized solely for Cardano Caribbean development.
Cardano Caribbean will happily welcome implementation of autonomous auditing and human auditing solutions from the inception of funding and will welcome any community assistance to achieve this goal.
The success of this initiative looks great to me as I plan to pursue it with or without funding. Initially it was solely about giving artist like myself a safe space to sell their art and crafts to visitors of the region and those who are unable to visit but would like to know that they are getting authentic Caribbean art directly from its source.
Success for this project looks like growth of Cardano blockchain users in the Caribbean and around the world as their family members who are not in the region also adopt its use due to its secure, cost effective means of asset transfer. Folks outside the region can support regional artist do business with other adopting entrepreneurs and/or simply use it to help dependents in the region from wherever they are located.
This proposal is my first one and isn’t connected to any other proposal prior to Fund 8.
I’m a Cardano NFT artist who is actively developing my art gallery/studio on the Caribbean island, Anguilla. Over the past two decades I’ve also practiced as a licensed funeral director/embalmer in NYC and thought clinical embalming for about 7 years as an adjunct professor.