Last updated 3 years ago
With the huge amount of projects building on Cardano, it's not always clear when public sales, ISPO's and more are starting/running.
We will build a feature in our platform that shows the community upcoming Public sales, ISPOs and ICO's. All in one place.
This is the total amount allocated to Upcoming Events - Cardano Cube.
We will build a feature in our platform that shows the community upcoming Public sales, ISPOs and ICO's. All in one place.
A professional UX/UI designer with over 10 years of experience and 5+ years of experience in Cryptocurrency.
We will build a feature in our platform that shows the community upcoming Public sales, ISPOs and ICO's. All in one place. The community has been asking for this feature for a long time. We now want to start building this feature to increase the value that we provide to our visitors.
The event lister will make it easier for our visitors to see when certain projects launch their token. This way the community doesn't have to keep track of every project individually.
The main challenges is providing this feature for 'all' projects in the Ecosystem, as the ecosystem is growing really fast. That's why we will start with utility projects only (NFT drops are for now excluded).
The delivery of this proposal will be in Q2 or Q3 depending on other feature implementations we are proposing.
- Design of the event listing feature: 40 hours x $50 = $2.000
- Development of the event listing feature: 80 hours x $50 = $4.000
Design, development and everything else is done by Milan.
The progress of this project development will be hard to track.
The community will have an overview of projects that are doing a pre-sale, ICO or anything relevant to a launch of a token.
The previous idea was unfunded. That is why we decided to make the projects smaller. Idea #12428
A professional UX/UI designer with over 10 years of experience and 5+ years of experience in Cryptocurrency.