Last updated 2 years ago
The Multipurpose Cadastre has been implemented in Colombia, but it does not have a strategy to provide security to the information collected
We will provide the cadastral entities with the appropriate route to link the multipurpose cadastre to the blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Multipurpose Cadastre Blockchain.
We will provide the cadastral entities with the appropriate route to link the multipurpose cadastre to the blockchain.
One of the proponents was the legal leader of the project for the implementation of the Multipurpose Cadastre in Colombia at the National Planning Department and the group has extensive experience in public policy.
Colombia has a public multipurpose cadastre policy, which will allow for an updated, reliable cadastre, consistent with the real estate registry system, digital and interoperable with other information systems.
This policy proposes to reach 100% coverage by 2025, with a multipurpose approach, and providing mechanisms for financial sustainability and permanent updating.
However, this system has some opportunities for improvement and one of them is linked to blockchain and how it could provide the cadastre with adequate information security instruments, especially in a country subject to such particular political and social conditions.
Security in the cadastre is security in land information, an instrument for its proper implementation and therefore an instrument for the fight against poverty.
There are fundamental entities that need to be advised and accompanied in this purpose, which would be achieved by giving them adequate information about the Blockchain system and how to access its use.
Through a specific consultancy for the management of Blockchain for cadastral projects to the National Planning Department, a great step forward in this matter would be achieved.
This is why the project is intended to provide advice on this matter through a dedicated team, which will review the status of the implementation of the cadastre and will provide a public policy proposal document for the implementation of blockchain in the current cadastral policy in Colombia.
This is a proposal specifically aimed at providing a nation with a blockchain solution to protect collective and individual data and properties which are constituted by the cadastral information of private and public real estate. At the same time it takes into account the ideas of Hernando de Soto, given that the multi-property cadastre is one of the most appropriate instruments for the formalization of property and to guarantee it, especially in countries where dispossession and property invasions have already generated a lot of damage.
The risks of this project are especially centered on the difficulty of accessing the officials responsible for the multipurpose cadastre policy in Colombia. There is also a risk regarding the implementation of the proposal that will be submitted to the government through the National Planning Department.
The first phase consists of a process of approaching the responsible officials of the National Planning Department, which will allow both obtaining information about the implementation project and informing them about this advisory service, which will be provided at no cost to them.
The second phase consists of the analysis of the current situation of the cadastre project from public policy, its impact and what would be the role of the blockchain against it.
The third phase is the structuring of the blockchain implementation proposal within the cadastre project.
The fourth phase in the communication of the proposal to the National Planning Department through the responsible officials.
Each phase has an estimated duration of one month.
For the development of this project we will work with three specialists:
A specialist in Public Policies for Development, a specialist in Multipurpose Cadastre and a specialist in Blockchain.
A cost per month of the specialists is estimated for an estimated time of four months.
US$1500.00X3X4: US$18,000.00
The additional costs of meetings, graphics or travel costs will be assumed by the specialists.
Carlos Eduardo González is a Lawyer, magister in law and management of public services and magister in public policy. He has extensive experience in the implementation of national impact projects, advisor in public policy, legal affairs, regulation and institutional relations. Manager of public policies at the territorial level and management of interdisciplinary projects. Ease and motivation for continuous learning. Leadership, public speaking, public relations and community work skills. Multidisciplinary preparation in psychology and negotiation.ález-fernández-23b27055
Darynell Rodríguez Torres is an international relations specialist and a conflict prevention and conflict resolution adviser. He is the former Executive Director of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, GPPAC, a member-led network of organizations active in the field of conflict prevention across the world. He has broad experience conducting conflict analyses, political risk assessments and articulating multi-stakeholder processes.
It will be linked to a Blockchain specialist from the Cardano community
The evolution of the project can be followed permanently in a progress document that will be public. To this end, the monthly report will determine an advance by percentage of each of the four determined stages, which will be the guide of the work plan.
The success of this proposal is having a document that determines the route for the implementation of the blockchain in the multipurpose cadastre policy. And the delivery of this document to the National Planning Department through the respective officials.
This is a new proposal, built especially for this challenge, considering the interests and knowledge of the members.
SDG goals:
Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
SDG subgoals:
1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technology and financial services, including microfinance
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
1.4.2 Proportion of total adult population with secure tenure rights to land, (a) with legally recognized documentation, and (b) who perceive their rights to land as secure, by sex and type of tenure
One of the proponents was the legal leader of the project for the implementation of the Multipurpose Cadastre in Colombia at the National Planning Department and the group has extensive experience in public policy.