Initial lack of usability, trust, and will by those in power are serious obstacles to mass adoption.
Incentivized blockchain adoption from the bottom up using existing infrastructure (Non profits) to kickstart the use of the network.
This is the total amount allocated to Nonprofits to Jumpstart adoptionNEW.
Create a software that Non Profits can use to connect their donors with the end user. Non profits would act as a clearing house or oracles, ensuring that the data provided by the donee is verified and that their customers are not being misled. At the most elementary level, non profits would onboard candidates by creating a digital ID for that person, where donation can be sent directly to the child / family. There would be an interface between user and donee where information, chats, and even videos can be made. Tools will be developed for nonprofits with specific focusses. For example, education. This would be a great use case for the importance of having digital certificates for candidates trying to be awarded grants or scholarships from those abroad. Another great user case would be micro financing allowing individuals in developed countries to provide a loan to specific candidates that have been verified by said non profit. Some non profits focus on building homes and could require the persons deed in on the network.
Nonprofit Incentives:
Transparency: This is a sure way to encourage trust between the non profit and their donors as it puts donors in the drivers seat and reduces their concerns of fraud. This would greatly increase the the non profits effectiveness and revenues.
Reduced cost: Sending money abroad will be cheaper, and less administration costs for the payment of every individual as this will be done automatically.
Connecting Non profits: Each non profit will be able to share information about their projects if they wish creating a directory of non profits in the region that is using our network. It is a known issue that there is very little communication between non profits and the work being done in the same area. This synergy and coordination would be welcomed as it could improve efficiency and encourage more cooperation.
Donee incentives:
Receive assistance from potentially more people
Build a trustworthy portfolio of accomplishments to more easily be eligible for assistance
Develop relationships directly with people abroad - creating a mentor mentee relationship
Cardano Incentives:
Innovative solutions: As nonprofits see and learn about the benefits of this technology, they would be inclined to be promoters and help implement mass adoption. This would greatly expand our outreach efforts if we were able to convince the already existing network of Non profits that Cardano is THE tool to best advance their efforts.
Grassroots approach to adoption: Instead of a top down approach this would be a bottom up approach. If successfully implemented governments would be coerced into accepting this technology and implementing it in their governance. This is something Hernando de Soto points out when he talked about how the US was successful at unifying the legal and black market economy together.
This project fits under the adoption and nation building challenges.
The main challenge will be convincing major non profits of the benefit of this software.
This idea still needs to be fully developed, but I imagine that within a year we could already be onboarding Non Profits. The first year will be surveys and outreach to interested non profits, and the development of the software. The second year would be get this in the hands of more non profits while also expanding more use cases.
Development and outreach: Reach out to many successful non profits to see where we can best be of service.
Software development: Develop the software and maintenance
Marketing: Get this technology being implemented by non profits.
Software developers, website designers, marketers, outreach coordinators
1. Number of Nonprofits using the software
2. Number of onboarded personal ID's
3. Number of use cases
4. Transaction volume
The adoption of this software by 1000's of nonprofits sending millions of dollar per year in funds, and adding millions of new digital ID's.
No it is not. At least not to my knowledge.
I studied international political science with a focus in Latin America, worked for a non profit organization in Guatemala, and have been running a business with my Mayan business partner for over eight years.