Currently Cardano does not have a strong foundation to make any change in any country as the freedom of speech does not exist universally.
Change can only come with the free expression of ideas. in order to promote this, we must change the way in which "Logic" is interpreted.
This is the total amount allocated to Proof of Article (SMALL ASK).
This is a smaller ask of a bigger project. The main project is titled "Proof of Article (BIG ASK)" and can be found here:
The main purpose of this smaller ask is to allow those who do not feel comfortable with the big ask to maybe vote for this smaller ask so that we can prove that the main concept works before receiving more funding. For this ask, we will focus on only the following part of the proposal:
Proof of Work/Stake/Authority Reimagined:
Imagine that instead of every node being selected based on PoS, a node is selected based off of the quality of an article submitted. The article would be voted on by users and its approval rating would then give it a chance to create a block. Keep everything the same about PoS on ADA as it is, but change this one thing. If say for example the article has a 70% approval rating after x votes, then it has a .7/(Total Articles Eligible) chance of adding to the blockchain (category dependent). As a result, the journalist would be eligible to generate a block and receive a reward.
So for example, a journalist writes an article with a .70 approval rating and nine other journalists write articles with a .84, .93, .60, .55, .95, .68, . 71, .54, and .99 approval rating. Then our journalist has a .70/6.79 chance or 10.3% chance out of the ten journalists of being selected to add to the block-chain.
Of course their would be restrictions such as making an article with a less than 50% approval rating after x amount of votes and dependent on region ineligible for rewards. After all an article with less than 50% approval probably hurt more than helped people, but anyone hosting a node could submit an article for that day and try again tomorrow or next epoch.
Multiple Articles
Multiple articles can be published by the same node/journalist(s) and may work together to compliment or detract from each other. For example, an article rated 72% and an article rated 30% may be averaged to give a node a 51% chance of generating a block. In journalism, you can't always tell which articles will thrive and which ones will die so you may publish multiple in a news cycle.
Currently Cardano does not have a strong foundation to make any change in any country as the freedom of expression/speech/press does not exist in those countries. Progress, freedom, liberty, and change can only come at the free expression of ideas which Cardano has done little to promote. This is because Cardano has not changed the way in which "Logic".
Furthermore, slanderous lies about blockchain technology plague the media and threaten the Cardano ecosystem. Projects that guarantee freedom of speech but not freedom from consequence in the case of slander, libel, and other fallacies, will ensure Cardano has a future and developing nations have a future too. Crypto has already experienced threats of censorship, crackdowns, and in many countries outright bans. The FatF has already made Crypto recommendations, and blockchain technology may be stifled before it even has the ability to grow if we do not create favorable media coverage.
The Ethereum foundation, for example, realizes this and is merging with Reddit to create a friendlier media crypto relation and Ethereum based social media tools. Even to remain competitive we must begin to investigate building a crypto news/social/and video site.
The Crypto world has metaphorically put the cart before the horse or the chain before the block. This is in no way a statement of blame but simply a statement from a differing perspective. The reason for this is because we have cut corners despite trying to move as slowly as possible. In the hurry to create all these great projects to better the world, we have not thought about the first tool used to create these projects. That tool being logic.
Logic has evolved to the point it is; to many in this block-chain business simply code or ways that machines communicate with each other. However, this is only a version of what logic could be much like the form of logic I will present to you today.
Risk: Not attracting enough developers or skilled developers.
Risk: Lack of funding.
Risk: Lack of collaboration amongst other projects in project catalyst.
1st 6 months, find technology already built on ADA and implement it into the project
A. Have the main Layer 1 Technology complete (6 Months)
1. This means having research done 3 Months in
2. Have the system implemented at 6 months.
ISO for Jornlr Coin / Main Coin
The budget we are asking for is much smaller in this proposal in comparison to the BIG ASK as a result, we are going to be jumping essentially only into research and development.
20,000 Research and Development
10% to technology and equipment (2000)
10% to experiment (2000)
40% Research and integrate existing technology (8000)
40% Developer Costs/Testing/Other (8000)
20,000 Implementation
10% to technology and equipment (2000)
10% to experiment/test/research (2000)
40% to implement and finalize the project (8,000)
10% to promote and advertise (2000)
15% to help get SPO's started (3000)
15% to incentivize journalists/user engagement to write over 6 months (3000)
3 Developers
1 Managers/Project Leads (Could be developers)
1 Social media/Marketing management
25 Journalists/Editors/SPOS
1 Expert consultant
DAO Support?
1st 6 months, find technology already built on ADA and implement it into the project
A. Have the main Layer 1 Technology complete (6 Months)
1. This means having research done 3 Months in
2. Have the system implemented at 6 months.
Proof of Stake is replaced by a Proof of Article mechanism where journalists can gain a blockchain reward for submitting a user approved article.
SDG goals:
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
16.6 Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
16.6.2 Proportion of population satisfied with their last experience of public services
Team of 25 with 50+ years of experience in journalism/editing/media.
2 Team members with extensive experience in ADA
1 Front end developer
2 Marketing experts.
Website/GitHub repository (if relevant)