ID: Idea #420216

Education impact and monetization


Education NGOs in developing countries have difficulties finding investors and donors, despite their effective actions in promoting quality education and social justice for low-income students.


Create a framework and a service of impact assessment that allows education NGOs to increase their financial sustainability by monetizing their impact measured and tracked on the Cardano Blockchain.

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On track: No
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Progress report

On track: No
Estimated completion date: -


The team has a total of 17 years of experience working with educational programs, with academic and professional expertise in the field of philanthropy, youth, and impact assessment of educational programs.

F7 + F8 funded proposals, PA, vPA, CT, member of the Catalyst Community.

Gustavo Pugliese
Gustavo Pugliese
Géraldine Challe
Géraldine Challe