Our data should be safe and easily accessible to the end user. Consumers reported losing more than $5.8 billion to fraud in 2021 . Corporations profit & Government does nothing.
New operating system combined with a dap ecosystem. AI assistant guide , universal wallet , biometric security system . Bioelectric & biometric hardware devices . Designed to protect the user.
This is the total amount allocated to REiD Real electronic identification.
In 2019 data became the most valuable asset on the planet. Identity theft is a huge problem. About 1.4 billion people are expected to use facial recognition technology to authenticate a payment by 2025. Corporations and the government are not good at keeping our data safe.
The original idea is to use electricity as a point of identification . Eliminate the need for your Physical wallet or keys saving people time . Electricity is a great identification point because it is ID on a subatomic level. Simply because electricity is the flow of electrons. Which outnumbers the points of data on your face or your fingerprints. If we have this new point of data the problem then becomes, how do we secure it and keep it safe?
We will create a Decentralized application operating system and ecosystem.
(See diagram for details)https://miro.com/welcomeonboard/UWNlcktWZDQzWk9jQ3U0RFFza0ZQWnJaUTlkaWdtQjVZc040TW95QXhoM1g5T3Q0RDJ5OUJqdUFoSUJCZVRad3wzNDU4NzY0NTI2NzU2MzE2OTky?share_link_id=991526665155
Operating system aka Venom
-Hive mind Super server / node/ miner
-Telcom system using Bluetooth, Wi-Fi ect.
-System cleanup (something like TronScript)
-Runs seamlessly in the background of other ( os's )
Once we have an operating system designed for decentralized daps. Then we could start building dap's like REiD.
REiD is a AI assistant guide that puts Siri and Google in the dust.
-Voice commanded step-by-step AI guide
-Foolproof crypto wallet Grandma can use
-Keeps your personal data safe from companies government and hackers
-Easy & Safe identification system for all
-Fast safe and secure access to homes , cars, safes & weapons.
-Seamless check out online and in-store
-Seamless plugin & integration
Goal is to Build Software and Hardware devices of the future. Eliminate the need for debit cards , credit cards or physical keys. How many times have you lost your wallet or your keys? Americans spending 2.5 days a year looking for lost items.
This project will potentially have an effect on the entire global population because we all have Biometric data that needs to be protected, There are still people with no i.d. at all. Reported fraud losses increase more than 70 percent over 2020 to more than $5.8 billion.
First We will develop the operating system along with the decentralized applications. REiD being a big dapp. We would develop smaller Dapps focusing on different areas such as Universal wallet, crypto Exchange , nft music art, handicap system, educational tool, Health and Wellness, financial literacy , data supply chain and Accounts to name a few.
Why does crypto and finance have to be boring? Let's solve the problem by designing a built-in rewards mechanism, giving people incentive to download these dapps and use them.
Incentives like Gaming, ways to make money for the end user with mining and staking. Watching ads or learning like coin base.
Once we have the software figured out then we'll go to on to develop Hardware and secure open source patents and or trademarks. The idea is to secure the technology and leave it open source so more Innovation can be made, similar to how Tesla operates.
Fund 9 challenge we hit a few different sectors . Decentralized applications, products and integrating them into the world . We in all three categories and more. the way we fit in here is developing a new bioelectric Hardware devices and a whole ecosystem of daps along with an operating system. With the goal to secure biometric data.
The main risks we will encounter is finding 1. Developers to develop the Dapps. 2. Developing a physical Hardware 3. Conducting more research and making sure we can identify a person using their bodies electricity efficiently.
For the problem of who will develop the application and software, i will outsourcing to verifiable places such as fiver or freelancer.com ect.
Ideally we will build a community and have people come aboard the projects and develop the ecosystem as needed.
Also eventually there will be a payment mechanism to incentivize people to complete tasks and automate the process.
For now I will open up an LLC & research people thoroughly and pay them from a business bank account.
2022Q3 -Website and white paper
2022Q4-Find team, Create interest, Build media presence, Grow Community (Awareness)
2023Q1-Develop coin & reward system
2023Q4-Beta version of Venom and REiD
2024Q1-Beta version of Dapp ecosystem(20 or so Dapps)
2024Q2-Gamma venom & REiD
2024Q3-Launch software
2024Q4-Beta Hardware
2025Q1-Gamma Hardware
2025Q1-Update Venom and REiD
2025Q2-Full Hardware and software launch
Also do not need all money at one time for instance we can develop the software for 114k
I will make progress with whatever amount is granted.
For now I will open up an LLC & pay Team mates from a business bank account to keep track of funds.
Contingency : In future when we build reward mechanism system having rewards payout for Developers and team members for specific tasks done.
Open to suggestions in this area to find team members at affordable cost and general help with budgeting.
The project manager will be me Eric Ellis.
I have a passion for technology, making music & designing clothing. I'm learning more about Finance and investing as of recently.
I have a background in electrical engineering. I've been in the crypto space since 2015 as an investor. I also have all my savings in Ada lol
As of right now I'm the only official team member of the project I will be out sourcing any work such as programming. (Programming is not my strong suit) I will outsource anything I cannot do myself. I will help build a strong team and be a champion for this cause. looking forward to meeting amazing people and changing the world in a positive manner.
I Need help in this area to find team members !
A return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding
may happen because of the fact that we can break this project up into different parts.
Or simply because we run out of money if things cost more than expected.
The metrics will be trackable through get Hub as software is being developed.
I will also open up a LLC business bank account to pay people for outsourcing services.
Eventually we will develop an automated system to pay people.
Going to file for patents And trademarks at some point as well .
Imagine a world where you don't have to worry about remembering your wallet, your keys or credit cards.
Imagine a world where your identity and your crypto is safe.
Imagine a world where technology keeps our homes our houses, cars and our weapons safer because we have instant identification.
Imagine a world where we're in control of our data.
new proposal
Degree in electrical engineering. Had the original idea while using an oscilloscope . Saw the variations in the waveforms when tested against different people. I think it's possible to use electricity as identification. Crypto investor and entrepreneur.