CNFT Jungle is a project ran by two people for the community and operating costs of 5000$/month are paid from our own pocket. With public API offering to apps the server costs are increasing.
We are asking the Cardano community for their vote to fund Jungle's operating costs for 6 months. This will allow us to sustain our API offering and will help us grow.
This is the total amount allocated to Support CNFT Jungle.
The Jungle's API is used by many platforms such as, fluid tokens, Tokhun and is being integrated into many more such as Eternl wallet, Trading Tent. With increased usage comes increased cost of operating which last month reached almost 5000$/month and we foresee them only increasing in the future.
Those funds will allow us to pay for the computing resources we require to maintain the Jungle asset and sales database as well as offer our data to platforms to build on.
If we continue to operate out of our own pockets without reliable source of income to maintain increasing server costs it will be quite hard for us to develop it further.
We will continue to develop and bring more advanced utilities such as Bubble Maps, Portfolio management, Tax exporting and much more core features for NFT enthusiasts and investors.
The operating costs for our ~20 servers amount to approximately $5000 per month.
The team consists of 5 people who have built the
Hopefully during those 6 months we will complete our SaaS model to cover operating costs and will not have to return for Catalyst funding for the same issue,
The goal is to provide all the projects with the data they require, whether is sales volume, floors, holders or more advanced analytics as well as maintain the data visualization and asset explorer on
We want to create a cross-chain recognizable brand for our analytics utilities for people to trust and rely on.
New one
A lot of new investors from other chains require state of the art analytics tools to make better NFT purchasing decisions and the Cardano ecosystem at the moment is lacking advanced utilities, we are looking to change that to attract bigger investors to the space.