Last updated 2 years ago
high electricity tariffs due to high consumption of electricity as a result of too much leakages in wiring systems of 90percent of homes and public places in the country.
In partnership with Donking Energy saver Ltd. which is widely known in the country for the sale of Energy saver cards, We create a decentralized platform where buyers can purchase at discounted prices
This is the total amount allocated to sustainable usage of energy.
In partnership with Donking Energy saver Ltd. which is widely known in the country for the sale of Energy saver cards, We create a decentralized platform where buyers can purchase at discounted prices
With over 4years experience as Director of Operations for Isaac trucks Ltd and . I have studied the dynamics of procurement and the nature of the business development also worked on numerous projects with wada as a business developer
the solution is to establish a platfom on the cardano blockchain, linking the numerous potential buyers of the in-demand energy saving card with Donking energy saver Ltd. interested buyers who wish to purchase these energy saving cards will be listed on the platform as well as the agents or the distributors from the company of Donking energy saver ltd.
when the blockchain is used in the process of the purchase of this product, potential buyers will have the opportunity to do so at discounted prices ranging from 30% to 50% depending on the amount of Ada one has in his/her wallet.
it also provides the company with numerous potential buyers and helping their marketing strategies a lot of the citizens will also be able to have these cards to solve the problem oh higher leakages of electricity in their wiring system which will subsequently lead to lower electricity tariffs.
the forseeable potential impact of this product is that, in the long run, a higher number of population whom cost of the product was a barrier will be able to afford ths product. which will be dependent on they joining the cardano ecosystem and expanding our operation in Africa subsequently.
the challenge is that, almost 90% of the citizens are paying too much electricity tarrifs which is as a result of excess leakages in their wiring systems. fortunately there is a tried and tested product from Donking Energy saver ltd which has the ability to generate vibrational waves that regulate the flow of currents and sealing all those leakages in the wiring systems. but due to the price which is 200cedis its a problem for most of them, so we are creating a platform which will be used to enlist those buyers and the agents of these products, such that members on the platform can buy at discounted prices.
the electricity saver card which was brne out of germany nanotechnology, was one of the few innovation to help sustainable use of energy by diffrent countries that attended the green growth agena in 2013. which was aimed at expanding economies of participating countries through sustainable use of energy and the protection of climate.
this card contains negative ions and FIR, which has the ability to generate vibrational wave that regulates the flow of current in the wiring systems of homes and offices, thus sealing all the leakages of electricity which is lost but not used. this card has been tested and certified by the energy commission of the country and approved to be sold by the Ghana standard Authority of which all documents have been attached. the ordinary citizen enjoys the following benefit from this card
for the government:
for the company(Donking energy saver Ltd)
for Cardano:
in a s much a s this idea sounds very great and interesting to the cardano ecosystem, it is however likely to receive to face some challenges.
in the light of these challenges the willingness expressed by Donking Energy Saver Ltd to enter into partnership with the cardano ecosystem due to the benefits they are likely to obtain, As well as the serious the capability of this team to educate and market this strategy well these challenges will be overcome.
Negotiation cost with Donking EAnergy saver ltd-----Total amount :5000USD
Marketing cost ---Total amount :10000USD
UX and UI Designer --Total cost :6500USD
Contract Developer -50USD per hour (30days)---Total amount :12000USD
Front end developer --50USD per hour (30days)---Total amount:12000USD
Back end developer --55USD per hour (30days)---Total Amount :13200USD
The team is made of seasoned individuals with rich experience in business development and information management and well vexed with cardano protocol
Solomon Appoh: Founder/Director of Operations /Business Developer.
Director of Operations and business developer with 2yrears of experience in directing the operations of numerous projects and business development processes.
Am involved in planning, Organizing , directing and controlling the affairs of many businesses. Holds a bachelors degree in Business Management From the University of Cape Coast and Master of philosophy in Economics . He is also a blockchain enthusiast and busineess developer with Wada West Africa.
Charles Kwakye Amo :Chief Finance Officer
with 8years experience in Management Accounting for the biggest pension Scheme organization in Ghana (SSNIT), also a chattered accountant by profession, Holds an MBA in finance as Major from the University of Ghana, Also a blockchain enthusiast.
Samuel Acquaye: Strategic Marketer and founder of J and J consultancy
involved in online and offline marketing, provide strategic marketing roadmaps targeted as specified audience.
NO, per the forecast the project will be self reliant
with the above metrics, we shall develop all the necessary KPIs and SOPs for all the phases such that progress can easily be monitored or measured.
Short term targets
midterm targets
long term targets
entirely new project
SDG goals:
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Domestic material consumption, domestic material consumption per capita, and domestic material consumption per GDP
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
With over 4years experience as Director of Operations for Isaac trucks Ltd and . I have studied the dynamics of procurement and the nature of the business development also worked on numerous projects with wada as a business developer