Creators and artists which are new to the cardano ecosystem have a lack on understanding the protocoll, it's characteristics and how native tokens work on cardano.
To help these people i plan to create tutorial videos for which explain the features and give the according background informations about the protocol and other systems.
This is the total amount allocated to Video tutorial for
More people will understand how tokens/utxos/metadata works on cardano and will adopt it. Either they will use cardano-tools or make their own way.
It will encourage more people to get familiar with cardano.
The biggest risk is that the videos are not easy to understand, but then I could still improve them with the feedback of users.
I think i need one day to get comfortable with a proper recording software and two days to record the videos. So the whole ting should be a matter of days.
I have to pay myself while i can't do my regular job. Otherwise i would not need a catalyst proposal.
Day1. 750$
Day2: 750$
Day3: 750$
And 750$ in spare if thinks take longer.
I'll will download a recording software (allegedly OBS studeo) and watch some tutorial videos for that.
I'll go through all features of cardano-tools and explain everything with background information, link mint+burn nfts, create a droper or create a fungible token.
Maybe if i have ideas for new big features.
I plan 9 videos, one for each menupoint, so it's easy to track a progress.
When people which just received thier first ada are able to use and understand with these videos. itself is about a year old, the tutorials will be brand new
I created, hopefully that should be enough.