The current Cardano developer training experience is sub-par fragmented, & incomplete. There is currently no central hub or process for aspiring Cardano developers to go.
Cardano Code Camp - Get Paid To Become A Cardano Developer. An Open Source Interactive Developer Training Hub, designed as THE go-to resource for aspiring Developers and accessible worldwide for free.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Code Camp - Pay To Learn.
Cardano Code Camp - Get Paid To Become A Cardano {Dapp Developer | Solutions Architect }
An Open Source - Community-Contributed Interactive Cardano Blockchain Developer Training Hub, designed as THE go-to resource for aspiring Cardano Developers and accessible worldwide for free. One central (approved) curriculum that all Cardano enthusiasts, meetups, and educators can reference and utilize as their core curriculum.
The curriculum interaction would be a hybrid e-learning format sort of like
Combined with
Earn Free Verified Certifications
Implement Pay To Learn - Create “Cardano Developer Scholarships” via smart contracts, that automatically execute when the aspiring Cardano developer completes their full track. Therefore, we “Pay you to become a Cardano Solutions Architect”. This will help us differentiate ourselves from the competitors, and provide us with a competitive edge. It will also be very useful in creating great marketing campaigns to drive more aspiring Cardano Dapp developers into our ecosystem (potential for collaborating with the team at Ayllu for smart contract development)
Earn {500|700|1000} ADA upon completion of any major Cardano Developer Track (has taken all prerequisite courses, which include, but are not limited to, setting up their own Cardano wallet, interacting with Atala Prism, and partaking in Cardano’s decentralized voting and staking processes).
We can issue smart contract Cardano developer scholarships (potential for collaborating with the team at Ayllu), where we lock in the ADA into a smart contract for a predefined amount of time, and upon completion of the “Full Track”, the ADA will be released to the wallet of the person who completed the track. If the person has not completed the curriculum within the allotted predefined time (which starts the moment you create your Cardano Code Camp account and should allow plenty of time, it will get resent to the “treasury” to be redistributed to a new aspiring developer who has just created an account. This incentivizes the aspiring developer to stay focused and complete their Cardano Developer Track in a timely manner.
Cardano Developer NFT
We can use the power of NFT to allow all supporters of the ecosystem to show their support by “Sponsoring” future Cardano developers. By Issuing a limited run of NFTs, designed specifically to fund Cardano Developer Scholarships and help fund the growth of Cardano Code Camp (similar to how the Cardano protocol includes funding for this very Ecosystem, the Catylist fund).
The cost of NFT
Cost to fund 1 Scholarship + 5% transaction Fee going to “Cardano Code Camp” treasury
Example: 1 500 Ada Scholarship will consist of 500 Ada + 5% fees = a 525 Ada “Cardano Developer NFT”
What You Actually Get for buying an NFT and sponsoring a future Cardano Developer:
Design of NFTs Should be Community Driven
The NFT designs should be a community collaboration. We have so many amazing Artists and NFT enthusiasts within the Cardano community, this may be a way to put their unique art on display, themed around the future growth of our Cardano ecosystem.
Collaborate with other Catalyst fund 9 Submissions To Create a Solution That Can Meet All Our Intended Goals
Smart Contract Course For New Devs ($20,000) - creating an interactive smart contract course that goes in-depth is a crucial topic to be developed within Cardano Code Camp. $20,000 Funds can be focused on adding an in-dept Smart Developer Track within the Cardano Code Camp curriculum.
Blockchain Course For Dev ($12,000) - creating interactive training can accomplish this goal. FIMI and team can be tasked to build out that Course (it will be part of a larger track), think modular design.
Haskell Course For Developers ($10,000) - Creating an interactive Haskell track could be at the CORE of any Cardano Developer track we create, as it’s the backbone language behind our blockchain.
Learn To Earn For Developers ($27,000) - This component will be backed into Cardano Codecamp. Not sure what the details behind the $27,000 request are but, added to this proposal for sake of collaboration.
Potentially collaborate with Learn To Earn Open Source Tooling to implement learn-to-earn capability for the tracks being built out (if both proposals get funded)
When creating tracked we should “work smart and not hard” by leveraging already well-established training that already exists within our ecosystem (and other ecosystems) including going through the Cardano Starter Kits created by GimbaLabs and Lovelace Academy, going through the online version of Learn You A Haskell For Great Good! And watching the Youtube Haskell Playlists as part of the interactive curriculum for each track.
Why Reference Free Code Camp?
As a marketer, I tend to look for the most successful examples of what we’re trying to do and “reverse” engineer the winning “funnels” and try to make it better in the process. This is no different in my mind, after going through numerous “Developer Training” courses and curriculums and doing the best research I can, I’ve concluded that Free Codecamp has provided the best results for their efforts.
In 2021, freeCodeCamp's entire operating budget was only $754,030
With that budget, their nonprofit was able to deliver more than 2.1 BILLION minutes of instruction - the equivalent of 4,000 years of learning by people around the world.
Breakdown by year:
| Year | | YouTube Channel | Yearly Total |
| 2015 | 37,367,085 | 246,639 | 37,613,724 |
| 2016 | 189,054,404 | 1,449,703 | 190,504,107 |
| 2017 | 307,802,640 | 8,331,843 | 316,134,483 |
| 2018 | 401,473,441 | 92,197,551 | 493,670,992 |
| 2019 | 347,393,464 | 474,000,000 | 821,393,464 |
| 2020 | 508,054,160 | 764,332,218 | 1,272,386,378 |
| 2021 | 907,059,417 | 1,217,082,060 | 2,124,141,477 |
| Total | 2,698,204,611 | 2,557,640,014 | 5,255,844,625 |
Since 2014, more than 40,000 graduates have gotten jobs at tech companies
I'd like to see this kind of organic growth happening in our Cardano Developer ecosystem
--- Example Track Curriculum ---
Cardano Solutions Architect
Blockchain Architecture & Design Principles
Introduction to Cardano
Marlowe Concepts
(Below curriculum outline is not complete)
Cardano Architecting
End of Track Final Project
Cardano Code Camp will provide our community with a focused combined goal of creating an amazing Developer Experience for aspiring Cardano Developers. Creating it open-sourced and including the ability to help self-fund with the very design, will allow Cardano code camp to grow in it’s reach and ability to create new Cardarno developers.
It will also be a core component (the other being marketing) that will act as the cornerstone of our budding ecosystem. Completing this will also make it much easier to market, attract, and onboard new young and aspiring talent to our ecosystem.
It also allows us to have a central point of education that can be accessed worldwide. Any local and regional Cardano training can leverage and utilize this very curriculum, no need to build their own. No more need to keep recreating slides and writing down talking point notes. Simply have people sign up and get to learn, anywhere in the world. (I see the potential in having the site be multi-lingual down the line.
If we’re unable to successfully collaborate as a community of teams. These are a lot of components to building this solution. We need to be able to make sure everyone is meeting their Sprint goals and getting the support needed when we run into unexpected problems.
How will we mitigate this risk:
Smart Contract Course For New Devs ($20,000) - creating an interactive smart contract course that goes in-depth is a crucial topic to be developed within Cardano Code Camp. $20,000 Funds can be focused to adding an in-dept Smart Developer Track within the Cardano Code Camp curriculum.
Blockchain Course For Dev ($12,000) - creating an interactive training can accomplish this goal. FIMI and team can be tasked to build out that Course (it will be part of a larger track), think modular design.
Haskell Course For Developers ($10,000) - Creating an interactive Haskell track could be at the CORE of any Cardano Developer track we create, as it’s the backbone language behind our blockchain.
Learn To Earn For Developers ($27,000) - This component will be backed into Cardano Codecamp. Not sure what the details behind the $27,000 request are but, added to this proposal for sake of collaboration.
Potentially collaborate with Learn To Earn Open Source Tooling to implement learn-to-earn capability for the tracks being built out (if both proposals get funded) ($10,000)
UI Design & Development - $10,000 - We want to emphasize a great user experience for newcoming developers. This includes actually interacting with the Cardano Code Camp App.
Cardano Code Camp $21,000 - 30 hours a week for 4 months to focus solely on this project and collaborating with all the members above to ensure we all meet and make our deadlines. Duties will include, ideation and curriculum buildout, QA testing, miscellaneous support, Graphic design support, and miscellaneous support to project lead, etc.)
Total Request $110,000 To work towards making Cardano Code Camp a reality. Completely Opensourced, make for the Cardano Developers, by Cardano developers.
A collaboration of all the people who currently submitted the following Proposals?
Smart Contract Course For New Devs ($20,000) - creating an interactive smart contract course that goes in-depth is a crucial topic to be developed within Cardano Code Camp. $20,000 Funds can be focused to adding an in-dept Smart Developer Track within the Cardano Code Camp curriculum.
Blockchain Course For Dev ($12,000) - creating an interactive training can accomplish this goal. FIMI and team can be tasked to build out that Course (it will be part of a larger track), think modular design.
Haskell Course For Developers ($10,000) - Creating an interactive Haskell track could be at the CORE of any Cardano Developer track we create, as it’s the backbone language behind our blockchain.
Learn To Earn For Developers ($27,000) - This component will be backed into Cardano Codecamp. Not sure what the details behind the $27,00 request are but, added to this proposal for sake of collaboration.
Potentially collaborate with Learn To Earn Open Source Tooling to implement learn-to-earn capability for the tracks being built out (if both proposals get funded)
Yes, this project will require continuous work. Further funding will most definitely help us complete our overarching goals faster by getting more qualified members of the community to join in the collaborative efforts and get paid accordingly for their contributions.
Each team will have a measurable goals timeline for their efforts, that we will keep updated on a bi-weekly basis. We can utilize GitHub to collaborate our efforts and build out this project in a modular way.
We can also collaborate using Slack and have the Project Managed completely in ClickUp for ease of transparency across teams.
A Cardano version of Free Code Camp that pays aspiring developers upon completing a full Cardano Developer Track (extensive training).
A Self-sustained (and hopefully growing) fund for future development and improvements.
This is a New Proposal
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
SDG subgoals:
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.4.1 Proportion of youth and adults with information and communications technology (ICT) skills, by type of skill
Enrolled in Emurgo Academy’s Cardano Solutions Architect Program
Enrolled in Bov Academy
Completed 50% of FreeCodeCamp
18 Years of Digital Marketing Experience
I suggest we combine our efforts to focus on a common goal of providing a great Cardano developer experience.