The Cardano community through his developers is transforming the world and yet the world is still largely unaware. Much of the work we are doing is still unseen outside of the Cardano community.
A streaming and a documentary that tells the story of Plutus Hackaton in Argentina and its outcomes for the developers ecosystem, connecting the stories of this community and tell them to the world.
This is the total amount allocated to Developers Hackaton Stories.
Steaming and Documentary which tells the story of the Plutus Hackaton in Argentina and its outcomes, connecting the stories of this community of developers and tell it to the world.
1. The Challenge: To share Cardano's developers ecosystem stories in the universal audiovisual language of film and streaming with the mass public and the community, in order to generate adoption focused on motivate for more developers to join to Cardano and demonstrate how this abstract and digital tool can transform lives. There will be 2 products to share this Hackaton, first a Live Streaming though different channels of the community with and impact to +20k viewers. By the other side we will film the whole event and surroundings to create a documentary that can tell the stories behind the developers ecosystem making it closer to the community.
2. Opportunities: The hypothesis is that blockchain, as an industry, and Cardano, as a project, are still in the early stages of development. Its knowledge remains exclusive to certain niches of people interested in the technology in this case the developer ecosystem. Telling the story of Cardano through a cinematographic language allows us to understand how this technology is able to adapt to people's lives. There is still little audiovisual material on the subject and almost none in Spanish.
3.- Road Map:
Stage 1: Launch of the idea, creation of the event in social networks.
Stage 2: Design and script writing.
Stage 3: Pre-production, story selection, and planning of streaming and filming.
Stage 4: Participate and streaming the whole Plutus Hackaton.
Stage 5: Shooting of the stories and surroundings (Interviews)
Stage 6: Editing and post-production.
Stage 7: Broadcasting and Distribution.
To have a material to show the developers ecosystem in Cardano that tells the story of its network will address interest in new developers to join the ecosystem. We want to create support for the develop of this hackaton and have good audiovisual products to promote the next ones.
Cardano wants to attracts high-calibre Developers and developers have ample resources to work on platforms that suit their interests, to reach that statement we need to create tools to reach the new developers and we believe that film and streaming is the best way to expand the message from the community, this material has to be high-calibre as well to engage new people through high quality videos and streaming with a sense of community and conversations, having people around to talk with.
The risk is that streaming and videos doesn't have the necessary impact on developers from others ecosystem and not engage new people into Cardano ecosystem. We will mitigate this risk trough a good network collaborations with the whole Spanish an Latam community to spread the videos in different platforms. We have already create a big interaction with SPO, YouTube Channels and DAOs that will collaborate with distribution of this material.
Stage 1: Launch of the idea, creation of the event in social networks.
Stage 2: Design streaming and script writing.
Stage 3: Pre-production, story selection, and planning of streaming and filming.
Stage 4: Participate and streaming the whole Plutus Hackaton.
Stage 5: Shooting of the stories and surroundings (Interviews)
Stage 6: Editing and post-production.
Stage 7: Broadcasting and Distribution.
Stage 1: Launch of the idea, creation of the event in social networks.
VALUE: $600
Stage 2: Design and script writing.
VALUE: $420
Stage 3: Pre-production, story selection, and planning of streaming and filming.
VALUE: $420
Stage 4: Participate and streaming the whole Plutus Hackaton.
VALUE: $2780
Stage 5: Shooting the stories and surroundings (Interviews).
VALUE: $640
Stage 6: Editing and post-production.
VALUE: $560
Stage 7: Broadcasting and Distribution.
VALUE: $360
TOTAL: $5780
Audiovisual Team: Cooking the Continent Audiovisual Collective.
Exemplary product:
Project Director: Sebastián Aravena. Chilean; architect, cryptocurrency educator, CHIL pool operator and Cardano enthusiast.
Executive Producer: Rodrigo Oyarzún. Chilean; technical operator of pool CHIL, generator of human and digital networks, experience in teamwork and entrepreneurship.
Streaming Director: Martin Ungar. Argentinian, operator of pool ITZA, Cardano content creator.
YES, We will collaborate with our team expertise in videos and content creator for the community in this kind of project or others as the one we applied before to create a Cardano documentary. The last appliance we didn't get the funding but we still want to tell the stories of Cardano though videos, so this time we apply with a smaller project and we will keep participating in this incredible idea which is Catalyst for further projects. If we can get founded for this kind of small projects we can build something more ambitious like a film o series.
We think there is 2 main measures to track the project:
1.- Measure level of impact in our videos and streaming. We will measure it by videos platforms views, number of comments, and number of subscribers; and by comparing these metrics each month. This will show that people are watching and engaging our video content, and will indicate whether interest is growing, declining, or staying the same.
2.- We can measure the numbers of people attending to the next hackathons or developer ecosystems activities. We will measure it by taking a register of who is attended at each session, with that we can see if the developers still interested in the activities but more important if new attenders are coming trough the videos we are producing (ask for referral in registration)
To have videos about Cardano developers ecosystem that tells the story of its network and how this network is connected with the rest of the nodes in the world trough this activities. We will see success of this videos as an inspiration for new developers to join Cardano and to keep and motivate the existent team with the proper recognition of their work.
This is an entirely new proposal, but its inspired in a previously proposal that was not founded:
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG subgoals:
Ensure enhanced representation and voice for developing countries in decision-making in global international economic and financial institutions in order to deliver more effective, credible, accountable and legitimate institutions
By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of teachers with the minimum required qualifications, by education level
Proportion of members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Our team has experience producing documentary films of global distribution, in addition to producing consistent video content about Cardano though edited videos and streaming content.