Last updated 2 years ago
Metamask is the most popular Web3 wallet and Cardano dApps don't have an easy and an Open-Source plug-in that they can easily add to their website to receive, send, and fund user activities using ETH.
We propose to have Konma host hackathons where groups of developers come together and develop smart contracts and Dapps as per challenges. This will help bring in more Haskell devs into the ecosystem
This is the total amount allocated to KodeKlash Hackathon.
We propose to have Konma host hackathons where groups of developers come together and develop smart contracts and Dapps as per challenges. This will help bring in more Haskell devs into the ecosystem
Konma has been taking part in various hackathons spread among various chains, now we plan to host such hackathons on Cardano. We have been funded in fund 7 to create Haskell dev pool and this challenge will work perfectly with our previous challenge of increasing developer cohort
We propose to conduct hackathons by providing challenges and having them directly take part in developing apps, oracles and smart contracts. The aim is to have a collaborative effort from various types of developers to develop any type of SDK or product which can be used as a boilerplate for future projects . we will aim to provide challenge briefs for CIP improvements , PAB improvements and provide materials used for building frameworks and protocols
6 months period - 24 weeks - 12 sprints (1 sprint = 2 weeks)
50,000$ as prize pool for winners
8,000$ for marketing(6 Months)
12,000$ for developer experts onboarding
10,000$ develop konma infrastructure to host projects and sessions
Sangeet muralidhar - CTO - Konma Labz
Vinay devabhaktuni - CEO - Konma Labz
Advitha Ashok - COO - Konma Labz
Haskell Mentor - Santanu Chatterjee
Plutus Mentor - Sebastian Pabón
Haskell Advisor - Santhanu
Yes, if we deem to be a success we will come back for KodeKlash V 2.0 which will be a bigger and better state of the art hackathon for the Cardano ecosystem
This proposal was initially proposed in Project Catalyst Fund 8 under Developer Ecosystem Challenge it was successfully voted, but was not funded. this time we aim to let the community know more on what the whole purpose of KodeKlash.
Konma has been taking part in various hackathons spread among various chains, now we plan to host such hackathons on Cardano. We have been funded in fund 7 to create Haskell dev pool and this challenge will work perfectly with our previous challenge of increasing developer cohort