Last updated 2 years ago
at the moment few options are available to write off-chain code, all with important drawbacks, and none supporting ts (or js) directly, which in many cases higher the learning curve.
Translate IOHK's pioneering Plutus course videos into documents for Vietnamese developers to easily access and learn. Forming a team of developers using the Plutus. programming language
This is the total amount allocated to Plutus Video Sub for Vietnam Devs.
Translate IOHK's pioneering Plutus course videos into documents for Vietnamese developers to easily access and learn. Forming a team of developers using the Plutus. programming language
Community Manager, Translator, Plutus Pioneer members, Blockchain & Crypto Teacher, Influencer Coach, Video Producer
Recruit people with specialized knowledge and good translation skills in the community with the test for the best quality translations.
Translations will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
We will select the video of IOHK's pioneering Plutus training program to translate into Vietnamese in the form of captions.
This proposal is impact:
To developers:
To Cardano Ecosystem and this Challenge
-> This Proposal fits and addresses the requirements of the Challenge
Risk: The self-learning ability of each developer is not equal.
Solution: Form a group to exchange, discuss and study together.
Risk: Slippage of ADA
Solution: Ask for a backup budget
1.Q4 2022
2. Q1 2023
3. Q2 2023
4. Q3 2023
Beside of this proposal, we are implementing a proposal that funded from Fund 7: Reward for Community Translators
It is in progress
In this fund, we are requesting for 6 new proposals:
Blockchain Course for Vietnam Devs.
Marlowe Course for Vietnam Devs.
CatalystTalk: Grow Vietnamese DReps.
CatalystTalk: Grow Vietnamese Devs.
Plutus Video Sub for Vietnam Devs.
Each proposal has a clear assignment to each participant, so we are committed to ensuring that the proposals are completed on schedule.
In case someone doesn't get the job done in the long term, we will recruit available members in the Fimi community to ensure the proposals are completed on time. We always have enough people willing to complete our proposals.
Total request: $13,900
The following people will be responsible for implementing this proposal:
Is the Quality assurance. Will final check all the translations to ensure the content of the videos is closed to the original before uploading to YouTube. So we make sure the content of the Plutus videos are as close to the original as possible.
Is the Project manager: Will select the original videos that need to be translated, then assign them to the translators, and control the progress of completing the translations.
Will translate the video that assigned by the Project manager.
If this proposal is funded, we will come back in the next funds for more funding. Because: the Cardano platform is always updating and evolving, the Plutus programming language also has innovations in line with the development of the Cardano platform. Our proposal is stretchable to serve developers with a sustainable Cardano ecosystem.
This Proposal is a continuation of the proposal that have funded in Fund 7
In terms of our team, I have translated 3666 quality minutes from Cardano-related videos (IOHK, Charles Hoskinson…). You can check it out here
This proposal is consistent with the Challenge and sustainable development of the technology platform of the Cardano ecosystem in particular and of the United Nations' sustainable development goals in general. Specifically: this proposal works toward Goal 4: Ensure quality, inclusive and equitable education and enhance lifelong learning opportunities for all, and Goal 9: Build sustainable infrastructure firmly, promote open and sustainable industrialization, and encourage innovation.
Community Manager, Translator, Plutus Pioneer members, Blockchain & Crypto Teacher, Influencer Coach, Video Producer