Last updated 2 years ago
There's no sufficient data about how general public interacts with Cardano and what's their knowledge about the ecosystem in general, that makes teams spend time and money to get that data.
We're going to save your time and money because we're going to provide data analysis to your startup based in real data obtained from the people in the streets who are the final users of your products
This is the total amount allocated to Spend Less Time And Money.
We're going to save your time and money because we're going to provide data analysis to your startup based in real data obtained from the people in the streets who are the final users of your products
We are a team of developers and entrepreneurs with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from México, we have experience in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence and blockchain in general.
We're going to develop a web platform where relevant information is shown regarding a series of dynamics surveys carried out so that risk managers, actuaries, data analysts, developers, executives of startups or project managers can consult and take decisions when developing projects on the Cardano blockchain, the project tries to go out and directly ask the general public after segmentation questions like if they know or have heard of blockchain, in which platforms, if they have heard of Cardano, what wallets do they use, if they use any product that uses blockchain technology, if they only speculate and invest in blockchain, among other questions.
We 're going to use the data obtained to create and provide to all the Cardano community a visual analysis and an API that can be consult and give a response as a JSON so all the Cardano community can use that data as they wish, saving time and money that the startups and developers will spend while they build their solutions.
We pretend to make surveys in eight differents countries during three months, hiring members of the Cardano community, the most important is to obtain real data, that's why the biggest part of our budget is for the persons that are going to make the surveys in the street.
We 're going to use the data obtained to create and provide to all the Cardano community a visual analysis and an API that can be consult and give a response as a JSON so all the Cardano community can use that data as they wish, saving time and money that the startups and developers will spend while they build their solutions.
The biggest risk is if some country where we make surveys suddenly implements restrictions due COVID19, in that case the person hired in that country will try to make the surveys remotely from the platform, as the platform will have the option to share the survey or take it from the web browser, and when the restrictions ends if is implemented, our worker can continue working as usual.
In the first week we are going to have the frontend and the backend.
In the first week we are going to have the first design of the databas, the first approach of how we are going to implement our data analysis.
After the first week we are going to start the surveys and upgrade our platform, database and our data models.
1,000 USD per month during three months for one fullstack developer from LATAM.
1,000 USD per month during three months for one data analyst with blockchain knowledge from LATAM.
750 USD per month during three months for eight workers that make the surveys in different countries
1,000 USD for hosting, domain name and variable expends
Piensa Libre and DjSam, developers and entrepreneurs with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
seek-community members that help us making the surveys
Anyone can send us an email to, send us a message via Telegram or contact us via Twitter
Yes, we will return because the startups and developers are going to need updates about the consumers and we need updated data, in next iterations we will upgrade our platform according the community needs, and our models, with more data we can create predictive models about the users in general that save money and time.
Since day one after the first week all the community can use our platform and our API, and with every day we will show more and better result because we are going to have more data.
Also we can measure number of our API request, views, clicks and all usual metrics that marketers use.
More projects building in Cardano, faster and cheaper, because we make the previous work with our data analysis.
Is an entirely new proposal.
We are a team of developers and entrepreneurs with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from México, we have experience in web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence and blockchain in general.