Last updated 2 years ago
•Commercial Real Estate is highly desired investment vehicle that lacks transparency and has a need for intermediaries
•There is no functioning trustless system to raise capital for self-storage
•A web 3.0 website is being developed to provide a platform to house the smart contract that provides a yield to our token holders as they provide funding for facilities
This is the total amount allocated to SToR Token - Web 3.0/smart contract.
•A web 3.0 website is being developed to provide a platform to house the smart contract that provides a yield to our token holders as they provide funding for facilities
•Joseph Ryan Smolarz, M.B.A. - Founder & CEO
•Barry Johnson - Lead Engineer - Having developed over 200+ mobile and web applications
•Marcus Carey - Smart Contract Developer - Navy Cryptologist turned cybersecurity innovator and entrepreneur
•Noel Borges – Tokenomics
There are many risks we will have to address as we go through the steps of this project.
1.) The biggest risk that we will have to be vigilant about is the risk of the platform being hacked. We have made plans from the beginning of the project to address this issue. The first is developing the platform on the Cardano which has the best infrastructure. The next was to hire the best developers to hopefully write code that is secure. The next plan to help with this aspect is to have an audit of the code.
2.) The 2nd biggest risk is to address the risk of regualtion and the compliance with the SEC. There are hundreds if not thousands of real estate blockchain projects being developed right now. We have a group called reBLOCK that is trying to answer the question about how to be compliant and if these assets will be considered a security. Once we move on to phase 2, we will seek out the attorneys in this group to confirm that we are compliant and go through any regulatory hurtles that are necessary including sercurity filing, know your customer, and anti-money laudering rules. We also have compliance issues for foriegn investors. We have a team in the British Virgin Islands that is going to help with this aspect of the project. We will also need to subscribed to the software Investnext so that we will be able to comply with tax laws and generate K1's for the investor to be able to take depreciation of the facilities and protect their returns.
3.) The 3rd biggest risk is that we do not create enough excitement in the self-storage community to bring people into the ecosystem. This would make the DAO unsustainable. We have a mastermind of approximately 100 of the top self-storage sponors in the country. There are enough deals in that room alone to keep the platform running for the foreseeable future. I am going to pitch them at our next meeting to hopefully gain users and interest in the platform. We are actively developing our marketing stategy to get the word out and also gain users.
4.) The 4th biggest risk is that during a bull market the users take out there coins from the platform to buy more speculative coins that may appreciate faster. We will have to figure out how to keep adequate liquidity to take care of functions of the platform. We have a large treasury to combat the liquidity issue. We will need to continuously try to keep the excitement up for the platform to also combat the liquidity issue as well.
Yes, we will definitely continue to apply for Catalyst funding. We are hoping that we will be able to enroll in the Cardano Catalyst Boost Camp to become more familiar with what the community is looking for and how to make our applications more attractive. This project will be continuous and ongoing development. We will continue to add features that will help our self-storage community gain investors and commercial real estate enthusiast.
Phase one -
August 22 – Complete the speculative web 3.0 platform that holds tokens in a smart contract and provides a yield for investors and provides the funding to complete phase 2
October 22 - Generate a token called SToR Token
Phase two –
Dec 23 - Create the platform that can lock tokens in a smart contract that provides the equity and/or debt for the development or acquisition of self-storage facilities
Feb 24 - Create the rewards program for self-storage patrons to create a sticky ecosystem to bring in new users to the platform
April 24 - Move towards a DAO system where a voting or governance system is used to manage and make decisions for the platform
Ongoing - Continue to increase the number of facilities that can be funded
April 24 - Create an educational component of the platform to help increase the knowledge base of the users of the system.
Jan 25 - If we are able to complete our goal to make capital available for storage owners in an efficient, safe, and fast manner, we will use the knowledge gained in this venture to move on to other asset classes such as assisted living.
We will focus on phase 1 budget in this section as we are working on the budget for phase 2 now.
Mar 2022 - Kickoff: Project Coordination. WHITEPAPER: Analysis, Research & Development, Tokenomics Exploration. TECH: UX Design, Requirements Refinement, System Architecture - Completed within budget and attached - $37,000 - Self funded
June 2022 - Milestone 1: UI Design and Accepted, Backend API's, Screens Implemented, Onboarding, Signup, Authentication, Verification - Near completion - $37,000 - Self funded
July 2022 - We will be recruiting a CTO to drill down the cost and timeline to get through phase 2. This will indentify the relative capital that needs to be raised to complete the project. - $8000 Completing the pitch deck to be able to talk with potential investors. - $10,000 Continue to set up the legal entities in the Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands to comply with regulations for foriegn investors (investors outside the United States) - $30,000 - self funded
July 2022 - Milestone 2: Website Development and Refinement, Wallet Creation, Interface, and smart contract - This the stage that we are in now - $25,000 - Applying for funding in this application
August 2022 - Queries for Token Holders Amounts, Creator Token Queries, DEX Listings, DEX Token Value, Queries in USD (trading monitoring) - $12,000 - This will be the next phase of the project - Self funded
October 2022 - Completion of application required features determined per requirements and approved wireframes - $37,000 - We will be applying for funding for this stage in the next round of catalyst fund 10
November 22 - An audit of the code will be obtained - $30,000 - This will be either self funded or funded by earlier speculative investors
•Joseph Ryan Smolarz, M.B.A. - Founder & CEO - the founder of SToR Token; which was created to help provide financial sovereignty to people interested in holding a hard asset backed cryptocurrency. He has a broad range of experience in self-storage, assisted living, and cryptocurrency
•Barry Johnson - Lead Engineer - the Principal and Founder of Offsure Software Solutions. Having developed over 200+ mobile and web applications, Barry brings much needed technical expertise to the team.
•Marcus Carey - Smart Contract Developer - Navy Cryptologist turned cybersecurity innovator and entrepreneur
•Noel Borges – Tokenomics - An academic by profession and life-long entrepreneur and investor, Noel’s fresh perspective and broad business experience creates the perfect blend of attributes to co-found and lead MintBlack, a Social Token Platform
• Scott Krone/Martin Taradejna – Advisors - Coda Management Group – Currently, the platform of investments is in excess of $70 million consisting of self-storage assets. In 2020, Krone co-founded One Stop Self Storage with facilities across the Midwest
• Tim Kane/Joe Downs/Tom Dunkel – Advisors – Belrose Storage Group - With decades of experience, our team acquires, converts, and or builds self storage facilities throughout the United States. Integrity is always in the forefront of our business dealings. Our end goal is to increase efficiency of each facility, provide the best service for our customers and the best returns for our investors
•Scott Meyers - Kingdom Storage Partners – Advisor – Self Storage Developer, owner, operator and Syndicator since 2005. Currently oversees $170 Million in Assets under Management with over 2.5 Million Square Feet and 15,000 units nationwide. Author, speaker, and Trainer in the Self Storage industry since 2015 through his education company
Yes, we will definitely continue to apply for Catalyst funding. We are hoping that we will be able to enroll in the Cardano Catalyst Boost Camp to become more familiar with what the community is looking for and how to make our applications more attractive. This project will be continuous and ongoing development. We will continue to add features that will help our self-storage community gain investors and commercial real estate enthusiast.
Phase one -
August 22 – Complete the speculative web 3.0 platform that holds tokens in a smart contract and provides a yield for investors and provides the funding to complete phase 2
October 22 - Generate a token called SToR Token
Phase two –
Dec 23 - Create the platform that can lock tokens in a smart contract that provides the equity and/or debt for the development or acquisition of self-storage facilities
Feb 24 - Create the rewards program for self-storage patrons to create a sticky ecosystem to bring in new users to the platform
April 24 - Move towards a DAO system where a voting or governance system is used to manage and make decisions for the platform
Ongoing - Continue to increase the number of facilities that can be funded
April 24 - Create an educational component of the platform to help increase the knowledge base of the users of the system.
Jan 25 - If we are able to complete our goal to make capital available for storage owners in an efficient, safe, and fast manner, we will use the knowledge gained in this venture to move on to other asset classes such as assisted living.
At this stage of the project, we should probably focus our metrics on the amount of funds raised to complete the project and the total value locked. We hope to raise 100k per month to continue the development of the project. After we are able to get the web 3.0 platform lauched, this metric will be published on the website. This wil be easy to track. This should be launched by the end of the quarter. That is the point of this application. The total value locked in phase one is an increase of 3% per month in phase one and 5% per month in phase 2.
The next metric that would be the amount of users on the discord. We will be able to monitor the setiment of the ecosystem by the number and content of the messages on the board. This will show if the interest is growing, declining, or staying the same.
We are still trying to set up the youtube channel to be able to pass on the updates to the developing community. We have completed our first podcast and plan to produce more content. As said in the description, the youtube and podcast channel will be able to be monitored by dwell time, number of comments, and number of subscribers each month.
The goal should be to pitch investors at least 3 times per week. We will be looking to add a money raiser to the team to help with this. We will also work toward getting a funnel system setup to be able to bring people in to hear the pitch. This can be an automated system with recorder video and the metrics of this can be monitored as well and published on the landing page.
In phase two, the metrics become easier as we can do a full evaluation of the amount of funds coming into the platform and locked. We plan to have the financials fully audited yearly. We can follow the amount of funds coming in versus the amount funded to the different projects. Our goal in this area is adding 1-2 facilities a month. We also plan on publishing this data on chain so the community can follow the progress.
These are the metrics that can be monitored for the platform as a whole as this was asked for in the previous application. The metrics for this particular application is that the web 3.0 website with the smart contract locking mechanism is published by the end of the quarter. The TGE or token generating event will not be completed in this peroiod of time. This will be the goal for the next quarter.
Once the platform has launched, we expected a yearly average of growth of users to be 5% per month for the first couple of years. There will be a point where the growth becomes less as we get close to saturation. We believe at this time that as we get closer to 10,000 users that the goal of a 5% increase a month will become unsustainable.
Each phase of the project will have different aspects that define success. During phase one, we will be onboarding a large amount of high net worth individuals who will use the platform to fund their projects. Participants that know commercial real estate and self-storage will be brought in and taught the in and outs of web 3.0 and how to navigate the platform. It is our thought that these people will feel confident in using blockchain technology and then will want to use other dapps and aspects of the cardano ecosystem. These are users that otherwise may have never been involved. In phase 2, we plan to bring web 3.0 and cryptocurrency users onto the platform. We hope to onboard users that have a large amount of profits from the cryptocurrency markets that will bring over funds to diversify their portfolios and have this capital in a platform that is backed by hard assets. These users will be taught commercial real estate and how they can protect their yeild.
We applied for fund 8, but did not get accepted. We added the recommendations and are now reapplying in a different catagory. The feedback was confusing though because some the evaluators said we should have applied in the dapps catagory and some said it did not belong in dapps category. The evaluators that said that dapps was wrong category did not have a recommendation for which it should be in. The developers ecosystem was choosen because it included website and tokenization. The previous application was for funding to get the whitepaper written, and it is now completed and attached to this application. We are applying also in this category because though we are planning to make the project open source, we do not feel comfortable publishing the code until phase one is completed. We would also like to add how this project is being funded as this was one of the issues brought up in the last round. As the founder, I am funding the project with personal funds so far. We have just completed the first round of the pitch deck. We have secured our first investor and hope to continue to add funds to complete the project. If there is a deficit in funding, I will backstop the project to be able to continue forward with the necessary funding needed.
•Joseph Ryan Smolarz, M.B.A. - Founder & CEO
•Barry Johnson - Lead Engineer - Having developed over 200+ mobile and web applications
•Marcus Carey - Smart Contract Developer - Navy Cryptologist turned cybersecurity innovator and entrepreneur
•Noel Borges – Tokenomics