[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
We introduce Cardano Asia TikTok Channel focusing on optimizing the quality, reliability, and interesting content for the community.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
We are a core team of 5 translators, Community influencers, Pool Operators Plutus Pioneer, Blockchain & Crypto researchers, and Social Media professionals.
We have a sum of more than 20 years of experience in social media and 3-5 years in blockchain and the Cardano community.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Defined Problems:
- The rapidly increasing Asia community requires that Cardano documents and news be presented in a more reliable, understandable, and effective way in local Asian languages (Vietnamese, Japanese and Korean)
- Technical information needs to be presented more interesting & succint to the point.
- The number of documents and news sometimes increases dramatically (due to news related to government policies, Beartrap markets, Bulltrap markets, crash markets...) therefore, the audiences cannot follow all important information in limited time and without selection.
- Long-form format is not well-consumed and usually gets bored by the audiences who are less and less time resources and have increasingly more choices of media channels.
Proposed Solutions:
Create TikTok authorized Channel (named Cardano Asia) in partnership with FIMI to optimize the core videos/documents from Cardano Foundation, IOHK official channel and Founder Charles Hoskinson. We will prepare the content first phase in Vietnamese, but then we have the next phase to prepare the video in Japanese and Korean (large Cardano community with potential needs for the community adoption.) The Japansese/Korean language will be proposed in the next funds. The source of information is reliable, timely updated and interesting format/added visual effects in the TikTok short-form format.
We also build a rewarding mechanism to have volunteer to translate and do the admin work (translation original video, shortcut video keynotes, final supervision, publishing work) to prepare the quality content. At the end of the day, we want to make Cardano information interested and effective for busy people and attract newbies (F0) into the community.
This proposal is a continuous from fund 7 (funded proposal) where we will take all the translated script of long-form videos and Optimize/Edit/Add Effect/Publish in the TikTok channel.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
The Cardano Asia TikTok channel will benefit.
- For Vietnamese Cardano community members:
- Leverage the FIMI community and ADA holders will better understand the advantages of Cardano blockchain technology to help them clearly see the VALUE of an asset they are investing in, instead of just seeing the UP-DOWN in price like other coins.
- ADA holders are kept up to date with the technological progressions made by the team of developers and the miraculous growth of the Catalyst development ecosystem, thereby helping them to have a strengthened belief in the future of Cardano.
- For this Challenge: Similar to Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea... Vietnam is a country in the Eastern half of Asia. So this proposal is suitable for the challenge.
- Growing the Cardano community in East Asia. The population of Vietnam is approximately 100 million people with more focus on the young group of people.
- For the Cardano community:
- Cardano blockchain technology will be more widely promoted to potential users in the Vietnam community.
- Gets more Developers involved in the ecosystem.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
- Risk: Slippage of ADA price. Sometimes, the price of ADA reduces suddenly, we can not sell ADA to get USD or VND in the exchange. This might make us not have enough budget to reward relevant admins/stakeholders.
--> Mitigate Solution: Request an additional ($1.680) budget to reserve out of this slippage
- Risk: local interpreters in Japan/Korea, especially in the future phases to open to more languages.
--> Mitigate Solution: Already heading up to recruit the new talents Japanese/Korean for future next fund proposals. Language grouping (this will be like Playlist of Youtube shorts functions)
- Risk: outdated information vs. updated trends. As we will take the raw input from the Youtube channel as Round 1, then we will optimize and add effect, and local latents' interaction.
--> Mitigate Solution: schedule workflow between the FIMI admin and the core admin team of Cardano Asia.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
Detail Milestones
In the first 3 months (Month 1- Month 3) Standardized the Tiktok Vietnamese language first, with more focus on the
official news and updated trends of the market.
- Video of IOHK's documents (2 videos/week)
- Video of Cardano news and update (2 videos/week)
- Charles Hoskinson's video (2 videos/week)
6 video/week * 12week = 72 TikTok videos.
In the next 4 months (Month 4- Month 7) Expand into the technical video with the illustration effects required.
- Video of IOHK's documents (1 video/week)
- Video of Cardano news and update (1 video/week)
- Charles Hoskinson's video (1 video/week)
- IOHK's video (*) simple technical illustration required (1 video/week)
- Plutus + Marlow video (*) complex technical illustration required (1 video/week)
- Haskell video (*) complex technical illustration (1 video/week)
6 video/week * 16weeks = 96 TikTok videos.
42 added bonus videos (1-2 videos/week) about fun facts/ did you know about Cardano.
Total: 210 videos in 210 days (7 months), equivalent to 1 TikTok video/day to create engagement.
Key metrics
- The number of documents that have been translated from the original.
- A daily video posted on Cardano Asia Tiktok channels
- Number of Video views, Rate of increase in audience, new readers every month
- Number of recruited volunteers for the next phase of Cardano Asia into the Japanese/Korean community.
- All videos can be found on our Official TikTok channel: https://www.tiktok.com/@cardano.asia
Make CARDANO ASIA TikTok the largest official Cardano TikTok channel.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Estimate the cost in 6 months, focussing on the Vietnamese language in the first phase.
All the raw materials will be taken from the previously funded proposal in Fund 7: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/385088
- $2.000 (50$/clips x 40 clips) - Reward for video of IOHK's documents
- $2.000 (50$/clips x 40 clips) - Reward for video of Cardano news and update
- $2.000 (50$/clips x 40 clips) - Reward for Hoskinson's video
- $1.200 (60$/clips x 20 clips) - Reward for IOHK's video (*) simple technical illustation required
- $1.600 (80$/clips x 20 clips) - Reward for Plutus + Marlow video (*) complex technical illustation required
- $1.600 (80$/clips x 20 clips) - Reward for Haskell video (*) complex technical illustation required
(Detail workload: Rewatch original video minimum 2 times /Keynotes +Script/TikTok storyboard/Create TikTok video.) In which, 20% of the budget incentives will be rewarded to original Youtube translation video of FIMI's volunteers. ~10-15$/clip
- $2.500 - 2 dedicated professional supervisors to approve the storyboard (before creating) and censor (after the TikTok draft versions) and approve the content before publishing in the channel.
- $1.900 - Consultant and admin fee
- $1.800 -Reserve to watch out for slippage ADA price (~12% of $15,000 vs. Bank interest rate 10%) and make in-time/advance local currency payment for the admin/volunteer team.
Total request: $16.800
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
WHO WE ARE - The Core Team.
👉 Buck Nguyen - Team Leader
- Core Member of VietcoreTeam & Vcoincheck - Blockchain and Cardano Analyst
https://www.youtube.com/embed/qcBC-cbqxvw?start=&t=22s👉 Ms. Y Nguyen - TikTok Supervisor
👉 Ms. Hana Nguyen - TikTok Supervisor
- 3 years of Marketing experience, E-payment, and social media platforms.
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2021
- 5 years of Experience in Project management
- Telegram: https://t.me/Hana_Nguyenn
👉 Do Viet Cuong - Youtube channel Moderator.
👉Do Manh Hung - Team Advisor
- Master of financial
- Community manager
- Plutus Pioneer
- Influence and inspire trainer
- Main lecturer of Fimi's course
- Telegram: Hung Do Manh
👉FIMI's Community
- Founded by Mr. Do Manh Hung (master of finance) in 2016, we focus on training the community to know and change their mind in financial and investment management. When the crypto market emerged in 2017, we realized that blockchain and crypto are the future trends of human beings, so we focused on finding investment opportunities in the blockchain field. Luckily, we found a great project, which is Cardano. During the last 6 years, we have built a youtube channel dedicated to Cardano. As of June 20, 2022, the channel has achieved:
- More than 150 Cardano and Blockchain videos published
- More than 15.800 subscribers
- More than 635.000 views
- More than 148,000 hours of watch
👉 Ms.Ha Nguyen (Chief of Japanese content):
- Japanese interpreter, translator, and blockchain project reviewed.
- Core member of the Vcoincheck.
- 10 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
- Support for the next phase of the Japanese coordinator
- N1 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading, and writing
- 2 years of learning Cardano, and evaluating blockchain projects.
👉Ms. Hannah – Community Admin
- Founder of a Cardano Community (46,000 members)
- One year of experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
- Blockchain product and market research specialist
- Telegram: https://t.me/hannahgates
👉 VietCore Team: A team specializing in project evaluation and information sharing of projects on Cardano and other blockchain platforms.
- Core Team with 10 members who are analyzing in-depth Blockchain and Cardano roadmap development.
- Youtube channel with more than 500 subscribers:
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
We will come back with the expansion into other countries in Eastern Asia with more and more spreading quality content to the community (the next country will be Japan and Korea)
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
This proposal will be measured on 4 KPIs (Quantitative and Qualitative content.)
- The number of clips posted in TikTok channel: This metric means the number of videos on the TikTok channel that we committed over the course of 7 months = 210 clips/210 days (7 months)
- The number of clip is categorized by the pre-planned topics. This metric means the amount of work that we have completed as per planned topics.
- Video of IOHK's documents (40 videos)
- Video of Cardano news and update (40 videos)
- Charles Hoskinson's video (40 videos)
- IOHK's video (*) simple technical illustration required (20 videos)
- Plutus + Marlow video (*) complex technical illustration required (20 videos)
- Haskell video (*) complex technical illustration (20 videos)
- Bonus: AMA/Fun Fact Videos (42 videos)
- The number of followers on TikTok channel: This metric allows us to measure community response to our channels' quality of content. We aim to reach 100,000 followers in 7 months.
- The number of views/likes for the TikTok videos: Based on this creation we will find the top trending videos and prioritize them in the next phase (with other languages Japanese, and Korean) At least the top 10 clips react to 1000 views/likes.
All the above metrics will be uploaded on the official TikTok channel.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
Make CARDANO ASIA TikTok the largest official Cardano TikTok channel.
- Cardano Vietnam community has one more reliable, interesting, effective, and trending information channel. (TikTok format.)
- Volunteers who join the project will get rewarded for their quality work (innovative way of communication.)
- Cardano Asia will have 100,000 followers by the end of the project (7 months after the proposal gets funded.)
- Potential for expanding to other Asian communities in the future funds.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This proposal is continuation of previously funded proposal:
Reward for Community Translators. You can check here or F7 Voting Result
For the received fund, we made a list of videos to report and updating each day. See more here.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
Not applicable for SDG.