Last updated 2 years ago
A lot of speculators and freelancers they have a lot of time, but they don't know about Catalyst's Funding campaign and huge opportunities in technology platforms.
Organize live sessions and create groups on social media platforms to exchange knowledge about Catalyst, penetrate speculative groups, share them with risk-free opportunities across the Ecosystem.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst For Full-Time Speculators.
Organize live sessions and create groups on social media platforms to exchange knowledge about Catalyst, penetrate speculative groups, share them with risk-free opportunities across the Ecosystem.
SPO, a member of the TIGER View team specializing in Oracle, 3 years of experience in Blockchain Research, a member of Catalyst from funding round 4, community advisor from fund 5.
Answer: a lot of speculators they are focusing on making money by being ignorant, buying and selling Again and again without understanding what projects/tokens they buy develop about, what Technologies, its potential.
And those who invest from other financial investment channels such as gold, stocks, real estate they Are the ones with a lot of time, and most of them have not found Catalyst's funding program.
The target group will be talented investors with a lot of time, introduce them to Catalyst, support the Initial steps eg: opening a .ideascale account, guiding the community advisor (PA) , encourage Participants to submit ideas in the Catalyst ecosystem, connecting them to online classes on Blockchain knowledge that the developer community in Vietnam is building.
Our main aim is to help break down the barriers of motivated and entrepreneurial people, bringing Them into our ecosystem and their active contribution will diversify the world. ideas with investment Experience they have available
In this way, we will create communities on the most popular social networking platforms, such as Telegram, Youtube, Facebook to discuss and have regular meetings every Monday night organized By us. private organization for interaction. and support to answer questions. group membership Issues,
At the same time, we also organize face-to-face meetings at coffee shops, to exchange and plan, And support each other, find ideas and collaborate on writing ideas.
I have now completed direct support of 8 community advisors (PA) members of which 3 have joined Since funding round 6, and 1 member has qualified as a community advisor veteran co (vPA) here is The link to my subgroup:
This is what I do every day with members who need our team's support on Catalyst and the goal of This proposal is to scale through all of the target audiences within 50km radius, within the Hai Province. Duong, a northern province of Vietnam, has a population density of :
In 2021, Hai Duong is the 8th largest administrative unit in Vietnam in terms of population with 1,936,774 people, with a GRDP growth rate of 8.5%. The average population density is 1488 people/km² . According to the information provided by the website:
, if sponsored. I will use that money for face-to-face meetings.
Currently I have a community of hundreds of people, they are all investors in many fields, and People have experience in business,
This will be a good opportunity for me to introduce them to the Catalyst ecosystem, and experience Research on the amazing functionality of the Cardano native token protocol, and the applications That will come into practice in the future of the Cardano token. language platform Haskell / Plutus, That's what in the future our team will develop it after going through the platform's online courses, The projects are developing in the ecosystem
Currently we are focusing on meeting face-to-face twice a week, will announce the exact schedule In the group, and the target will be 20-30 members in a meeting, meeting time Removal will take 3-4 Hours.
and this guaranteed number of 20-30 people will be changed against each other on an alternate schedule each person will be invited once a week, plus with my connections and reputation to reach them and send a new letter afterwards: first instructing them on how to join opportunities from Catalyst, demonstrating to them the funds from the funding to fund the idea, so once there is trust and they have seen I firmly believe that this way there will be a definite impact on our ecosystem.
The main content in the face-to-face meeting will talk about the opportunities that Catalyst has, and explain all questions related to the Catalyst ecosystem of members.
Also we will send 2 elite members to focus on learning Haskell / Plutus language, after they Complete The course will bring the knowledge back and we start to give in-depth ideas into the Protocols and Smart contracts.
The criteria for selecting 2 elite members are: veteran members out of the 8 people I have guided them to join PA since previous funding rounds, actively passionate about technology, hard-working and relentless. grow, be eligible to work full time, in the process of mentoring and supporting them I will keep these criteria in mind. and there will be a small bonus to encourage their learning,
Committed in 8 months from the date of receiving the grant we will provide a number of developers Proficient in the Haskell / Plutus language, and a large number of developers to the ecosystem.
Risks that we can anticipate:
+ The solution to this problem is the first step before bringing the target audience to the main Telegram group of this proposal, there will be an invitation letter to each target audience that we Target to the regular beverage party , then we will take a part of the budget to pay for that party, for Example Coffee or any other beverage depending on the preferences of each person.
+ Our solution will prove to them our actual claim of rewards in personal wallet.
+ Our solution is to cooperate with educational development projects, for example: FIMI community Founded by bee Do Manh Hung and TIGER View community founded by Mr. Duc Tiger and I am a Veteran member of Mr. that community.
+ We plan to add 5% to the reserve fund, if the ADA price increases strongly at that time, we will put this money into the proposed fund to serve the development of the following Scaling proposal.
1 month :
- Make a list of 30 target audience
-Start sending out invitations to our regular refreshment party
- Just incorporated marketing on our social media platforms
- Starting a regular meeting on the online group every Monday night, and holding a face-to-face Meeting twice a week on Thursday and Saturday,
2 Months to 8 months:
- Maintain regular face-to-face and online meetings.
-Beginning to send 2 elite members to participate in advanced online courses, within 3 months Learning and practicing fluently the programming language.
- Ensure the number of meeting members is adequate and will even increase over time
- Started providing developers for Catalyst.
-At least 6 proposals will be submitted in round 10 through the membership of this proposal.
- When going through these steps, the group will operate on its own when there is trust and Experience of the community.
+ Each meeting will last 4 hours
+ 2 face-to-face meetings per week = 8 hours/week
+ Total 8 months = 32 weeks
-Maintain face-to-face meetings for 8 months
+ Cost for refreshments 3$/1/person
*32 x 64 x 3 = $6,144
-The cost for two elite members to study full-time within 3 months, this is a bonus to encourage the Spirit of learning, so it can only be 500$ / 1 person / 3 months.
Contingency amount for sudden devaluation of ADA = 500$
Total : 11,484$
Now it will be me i will be working full time with that there will be a team of 8 that i have linked above Will grow with me
Vu Quoc Tuan ; Founder of the idea team for Cardano. financial investor, working with Crypto space Since 2019.
Led consulting for the community of 8 people into PA, vPA.
Facebook: @TimHieuVeCatalyst
Telegram : can be contacted immediately
Here is the group path : developing on PA, vPA :
No with this proposal after completing this budget we will qualify and trust the community and Operate in the best way, if there is going back it will be an idea to solve another problem.
- The number of members on the recommendation of 30 core members increases
- 2 excellent students will do a great job of learning advanced knowledge and applying them to our Upcoming proposal
-The number of developers we bring to the ecosystem.
-All these stats will be reported by us to the community
-Organize regularly scheduled face-to-face and online meetings.
Monthly Catalyst. and they will be posted on our social networking platforms such as Youtube, Telegram, Facebook, committed to transparency for the monitoring community.
-Our success is getting all the talented investors around 50km radius to participate in the Development opportunities with Catalyst ecosystem, not focusing too much on their speculation.
-There will be a lot of quality proposals submitted and developed on the ecosystem.
-Provide Catalyst with at least 5 specialized engineers.
This is the first proposal we came to Catalyst, having spent a long time as a community advisor so This project we guarantee with the appeal of Cardano we will bring a generation of developers has a Lot of practical experience in business and investment applied to ideas to turn into good projects to Put into practice in the future.
This is a brand new proposal
SPO, a member of the TIGER View team specializing in Oracle, 3 years of experience in Blockchain Research, a member of Catalyst from funding round 4, community advisor from fund 5.