Citizens of the world face wide scale voter fraud on a level we have never seen before. This issue stems from the fact that people are forced to trust, instead of verify, when sending in a ballot.
We are proposing the first decentralized digital ID system that is entirely transparent. All citizens will be assigned a unique voter ID that can be accessed and validated on the Cardano blockchain.
This is the total amount allocated to Digital Voter ID.
If you’ve made it this far, you’re wondering how we will onboard a majority of world citizens onto a brand new voter ID system? We plan on partnering with world governments and complying with their local rules and regulations.
As an example, every U.S. citizen is assigned a social security number at birth. For the United States we would tie each individual citizens social security number to a unique voter ID that is issued on the Cardano blockchain.
From there citizens will be able to monitor their vote in real time as votes are tallied. This shows transparency and gives no room for fraud or ballot harvesting. As well as protecting the individuals right to vote.
This proposed solution will solve the challenge of voter fraud and non-transparent elections by publicizing all votes and counting in real time. Additionally, there can be no duplicate votes, extra votes, deceased citizens voting, under age voting, non-citizen voting, or criminals voting.
The system will be fixed.
The main risk we face is political opposition from the Republican and Democratic Party(s) of the United States. Additionally, world governments may be opposed to changing the current corrupt system as it would not serve their current agenda.
The first step in this plan is to build the infrastructure required for onboarding citizens. We must have a product that we can present to governments proving it is tamper proof and will benefit citizens worldwide.
The second step is to start onboarding citizens into the new system while running mock elections with beta test users. Finding any bugs and preventing voter fraud in the new system.
The third and final step is to allow the system to be accessible to the public. Removing any central authority from controlling the votes.
The $50,000 requested will be used to create the initial infrastructure that will be used to test mock elections with a select group of beta users.
Developers of Haskell will be hired with private funding as well as Catalyst funding.
Yes, when we are successful we may return to Catalyst for further funding.
We will be active on the Cardano Reddit community, YouTube, as well as a public test net.
Full scale voter IDs for citizens worldwide. Voter fraud eliminated, corruption curbed, free voting for all.
My team and I have ran four campaigns for high profile U.S. politicians. We have worked and understood the U.S. political system and understand where the cracks in the system are, don’t trust us, verify. We want to build a transparent system that will make elections fair.