Indonesians are not yet aware of the existence of Blockchain function which can be very helpful for the business process for efficiency and cost reduction. Education and apps will be very helpful.
The content will drive many people can be seen through financial implementation to provide more transparency, clarity, and no ambiguity among each debtor, and robust lending fintech will be trusted.
This is the total amount allocated to Financial Implementation Blockchain.
As a member of ETH, the best solution is to start from scratch, to make communities and reach more people outside the circle of community. Businessman, Media, and also universities. After reaching them out, The content will drive many people to take advantage of the main use of Cardano, which can be seen through financial implementation. Education and providing a form of cooperation to Startups such as Fintech (lending and borrowing), Crowdfunding which in Indonesia has many forms of CSR and NGO locally. Many industries will join these projects which will take more than a year.
As we know that beside India, Indonesia also has a specific market which uses a lending platform and to provide more transparency, clear, and no ambiguity among each debtor competition and more robust lending fintech will be trusted.
The crowdfunding in Indonesia also has so many issues such as word of mouth marketing, which tend to make changes of pricing application on the market, none of the less reducing the income for the community which create these crowdfunding.
The proposed solution will be considered as the main framework of this project, which includes helping directly by these Indonesian Teams to launch and emerge on the surface through many activities such as:
Going to a specific company will take time to offer help to a specific scope of work and let them be motivated whether the cooperation together will end with a short contract. This kind of cooperation will be noncommercial which is effective to boost people’s thoughts rather than making usual education.
How to proposed will address that challenge are by delegating some team to do a quick research and make a division and also a collaborate with many universities, many startups, and also fintech under BAPPEPTI (the regulator of Indonesia) and KOMINFO (the watcher of the Indonesian government for investment companies).
For this big ISSUE for BLOCKCHAIN we can create some activities to provide awareness about the Blockchain ecosystem, and also do collaboration with universities, Company, and political party.
Roadmap for 2 years
Segmenting the market which needed this Financial implementation
Project Manager : $700 per month
Q4 2022 x 3 month leads
Q1-Q4 2023 x 12 month leads
Q1-Q3 2024 x 9 Month Leads
Total 24 month leads x $ 700 = $ 16.800
Operational : $400 per month
Q4 2022 x 3 month leads
Q1-Q4 2023 x 12 month leads
Q1-Q3 2024 x 9 Month Leads
Total 24 month leads x $ 400 = $ 9.600
Promotion : $400 per month
Q4 2022 x 3 month leads
Q1-Q4 2023 x 12 month leads
Q1-Q3 2024 x 9 Month Leads
Total 24 month leads x $ 400 = $ 9.600
Consultant/advisory: $300 per two hours
Q4 2022 2x2 hours meetings = 2 Hours
Q1-Q4 2023 6 X 2 hours meeting = 6 Hours
Q1-Q3 20246 X 2 hours meeting = 6 Hours
Total 14 x $ 300 = $ 4.200
Build plattform $ 4.800
Total Budget $ 45.000
For more information at:
2. Randy
For more information at:
We will focus for this proposal than we will return to next funding if this job are finished
Key deliverables :
We will measure how helpful the process and tools for Accounting System needs and how useful is the information for member community and in other company. We will also try and measure how many people are using the platform we developed and even as a base for adjustments and further developments.
We will also collaborate and share the information with CF, IOG and community initiatives such as community and token locally and also the Cardano Smart business hub initiatives and others, so the information will be available for the community and aligned resources.
A dedicated github will be opened and available for the community to use and follow up on the progress.
Communities in each city (Java, Bali, Kalimantan) actively offer the system to be applied on Fintech and startups, also branding it on University as curriculum or event guest topic to be engaged on Students and lecturer.
New one and hoping to be sustained through the next fund.
As lead proposer, I have experience as an accounting consultant for five years. In my role, I created an accounting information system (AIS) from planning to output for decision making for users of financial making. AIS is a collaboration of accounting systems with technology.