Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano boasts of the most secure/eco-friendly blockchain for art-based NFTs and yet has been unable to attract a culture of high quality artworks and artists to its ecosystem, from Ethereum.
Cultivate a culture and setting of rich art-based NFTs and artists on Cardano by building an on-chain collection of works powered by an Artist-in-Residence program for prominent artists from Ethereum.
This is the total amount allocated to Goguenheim: Renaissance on Cardano.
Cultivate a culture and setting of rich art-based NFTs and artists on Cardano by building an on-chain collection of works powered by an Artist-in-Residence program for prominent artists from Ethereum.
Where we are: The Problem
Ever since the Mary HFCE last year, Cardano has been positioned as a bedrock with solid, simple and eco-friendly foundations to host and secure the future of digital assets via NFTs, in the blockchain space. This has brought about many opportunities for many creators to connect their artworks and art-based projects to the Cardano Blockchain. However, time and observation has shown that this advancement has only been leveraged (or over-leveraged even) by a segment of participants in the ecosystem i.e. the quick-trade and arguably speculative market of NFT-based digital collectibles a.k.a. PFPs.
Such a development has proven to be both beneficial and detrimental as Cardano's NFT ecosystem currently ranks third in terms of NFT trade volumes yet little to none of said stats can be attributed to independent artists or creators who are geared towards contemporary art projects, a.k.a. 1/1 artists. Furthermore, this development has not brought in the market and mindshare from platforms like Ethereum and has only pushed away many promising or even prominent artists and collectors (in the contemporary space for NFTs) who might consider Cardano for greener pastures. Cardano's popularity as a blockchain for good and quality art-based NFTs, creators, and collectors in the global scene is lacking whilst networks like Ethereum, despite its archaic and inefficient structures for NFTs, continues to benefit from these contemporary NFT based artists.
What's the plan: The Solution
Build and curate the Goguenheim: a collection of contemporary artworks through an Artist-in-Residence program where we periodically onboard and incentivise prominent and promising artists (and their communities) currently from Ethereum to release and expand their work into the Cardano NFT ecosystem. Through the support of Catalyst, the Goguenheim will serve as the premier collection of artworks and related endeavours that best represent the vibrance of Cardano as a blockchain for high quality art-based NFTs. It will also serve as the foremost incubator-like program and attraction to nurture the culture of contemporary art growth and adoption in the Cardano Community. This will be achieved by giving the Cardano Community and collectors from far and wide i.e. Ethereum, the opportunity to acquire pieces by various resident artists from the Goguenheim collection on a weekly basis, a la Nifty Gateway.
The Goguenheim will establish art residencies on Cardano for up to 5 artists from Ethereum per month (over a three month period). Each month will have a different set of curated artists and they will have weekly releases of their artworks via NFTs on Cardano. The Cardano Community and collectors from Ethereum will have every opportunity to acquire these artworks either through auctions or direct sales. In the event of low/no patronage, the Goguenheim will officially and effectively collect said artworks using funds made available by Catalyst and thereby compensate these artists anyway. All artworks collected by the Goguenheim will serve as a showcase of the calibre of art-based NFTs in the Cardano ecosystem at various events such as Art Basel, NFT NYC, etc.
Diversity and equality will be key tenets in artist curation as the Goguenheim will strive to be an inclusive and equitable platform for all.
It is the hope that the Goguenheim will cause the Bilbao effect needed for Cardano to shine and progress as the foremost platform for high-quality art and many other forms of NFTs on the global stage.
Note: All timings start from Catalyst Fund 9 Result Announcement.
Total Allocation: $100,000.00
Goguenheim, Artist-in-Residence program: $60,000.00 / 3 MONTHS
Media Publication / Content Coverage: $15,000.00 / 3 MONTHS
This will involve:
Operations Team Coverage: $25,000.00 / 3 MONTHS
This will involve:
Emmanuel Batse -> Project Lead
In talks with/Intended recruits:
More to join.
I am likely to return in a later round as more cost data from experience will be available to improve operations and better strategise to compensate whatever shortcomings there may be from this proposal.
This is an entirely new proposal.
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):