Last updated 4 years ago
Educating traditional businesses and entrepreneurs in respect of the Cardano blockchain and assisting with drafting and developing proposals
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Onboarding Consultants .
Establish a network of skilled Cardano Onboarding Consultants, suitably educated on the spectrum of benefits Cardano offers entrepreneurs
10+ years of buying, promoting, growing and selling businesses in various sectors plus a keen understanding of the Cardano ecosystem
To follow after the weekend. I just needed to cement this idea on the PORTAL!!
I believe, as a collective we should explore and potentially trial this idea in the near future. Perhaps some funding to offer a base 'salary' for the newly appointed Cardano Onboarding Consultants and perhaps a small percentage paid from the entrepreneurs of secured funding once proposals are successfully passed as a larger incentive to onboard new users.
Fully supported by the Cardano community these experts can network with and approach businesses and entrepreneurs to actively encourage them to build on Cardano. The base 'salary' idea would prevent the need for charging clients for initial advice and guidance and helping with proposals.
What a killer job that would be. It wouldn't even feel like a job.
Initial thoughts only. Lots more to followâŠ.!
Update as promised:
So we need new businesses and entrepreneurs to develop on Cardano and we want them to deliver rapidly?
Some may need funding - many other may not need funding. So parking the idea of governance and the voting process etc for the sake of simplicity. How about this is what we do:
1. Select an initial sample group of keen potential consultants. Perhaps they are already among us? Maybe you?!
2. Devise the renumeration structure for a trial period. An amount per month for a 3-6 month trial as a part time base 'salary' Plus some form of bonus paid by either the project when they successfully launch on Cardano OR when the project secures funding from a later round (all to be decided) This is the only tricky part, but not impossible.
3. Devise formal contracts and a proof of identity / proof of position to reduce scammers (they will come!) We will need KPI's.
4. Ensure the consultant has a crash course in exactly what Cardano can offer business owners and entrepreneurs. This can indeed link to other projects but this should not wait for those as this can be very quick to launch. (Sorry!)
5. Ensure the consultant knows where to direct interested parties to find what they need. How DApps and businesses can actually launch on Cardano and a sound understanding of the proposal and voting process. Of course this will develop as the project does.
6. Ensure the consultant has a book of contacts for technical queries - not to be shared outside of this space (as per the contract)
7. Devise a method of tracking what entities the consultant is engaging with and what stages they are at in their development. Even something as simple as a Monday board would do the trick.
8. Set weekly / fortnightly consultant meetings to discuss developments and opportunities. Pass on those great ideas! Check KPI's.
9. Agree a handoff process for very large opportunities, for example a huge multinational - perhaps this should be handed over to someone in a senior position in IOG or even CH himself, instead of remaining with the consultant.
10. Develop a local level and a corporate level marketing strategy. It wont take much. I put out a tweet on the Catalyst fund and that received attention but of course we want to bring NEW people in to this space and we will all do this in our own way.
11. Review the trial group and the successes. Refine accordingly and increase the group size as required.
Once the process is refined and income proven there may be no requirement for a monthly payment to consultants, however, if I were to commit to this then something else would need to be sacrificed and we all need an income.
I think that just about covers my thoughts. I am happy to lead this initiative if required :)