Last updated 4 years ago
Withdraw proposal
This is the total amount allocated to Entrepreneur/Start-up Network.
Leverage on existing private & public Networks to give Cardano significant more exposure to the business world.
15+y in Business Development/Strategy; relevant experience with entrepreneurs,B/ C-suite from the consulting perspective
a) Segments: Leverage on entrepreneur networks has the benefit to get direct access into the industries. This is crucial due to an increasing number of companies being in the digital transformation age and. Due to the pressure on "speed of go-to-market" they adapt strategies to open-innovation. In a first step we would target Big4 established Networks, which are mainly set up in 100+ countries - but have certain centralized management behind, important to consider for a large-scale approach.
On the other hand, Universities play a crucial role to Cardano - referring here to the peer review - representing this not only a competitive advantage at that moment - but furthermore it might be natural to leverage on the academic start-up incubations that exists as well on a large scale. First steps are targeting Universities Cardano is already known, further spread throughout the community.
Furthermore need to apply data analytics to further sub-segment relevant targets to be able to deep-dive into specific business needs - with focus on developing those on the Cardano platform.
b) Content to be shared / Deep-dives for further approach on developing business on Cardano /Dapp: Both segments need customized marketing approach that needs to be leveraged on existing material and/or developed.
c) CRM process: Set up lean process to track on opportunities/derive next actions throughout the process.
Need to discuss this with you if idea develops further; teaming up is highly appreciated.