Last updated 4 years ago
Start a real estate business using Cardano blockchain to open up investing in real estate to all incomes, and make homeownership accessible
This is the total amount allocated to Investment Group Properties.
A Security Token created that represents the value of properties held by the investment group, that can sent profit to the Token holders
I have studied real estate for 15 years, and been flipping houses for a year. And have started the process of mapping the process and idea
I have gotten quotes to build this Token and Smart contract on ETH from $800-$1200, completed in a week.
I don't know when something like this could be created with Cardano. But the plan would be to create the Token and do an ICO to raise the initial funds for investment, and leverage those funds to buy properties for around 60% of their value, then improve them and sell them for a profit. And as the fund grew it would be able to sell those properties and hold the mortgages creating to types of profits for Token holders and creating access to homeownership to people that might not be able to get a conventional mortgage but could afford it.