Last updated 4 years ago
Cheap pools ultimately may lead to the centralization of Cardano's infrastructure increasing its technical and commercial risks.
This is the total amount allocated to Keep Cardano Decentralized.
Create an online platform that will enable SPOs to interact and market value-added services to their stakeholders.
Umed--MBA from a top business school. CFA charterholder. 10+ years banking experience.
Mike--IT executive/Builder. Creator of
Our plan is to use the already existing, known and successful platform ( to add a functionality that will facilitate interactions between verified stakeholders and pool operators. This will open up the space for a wide variety of value-added services.
Eventually we want to turn this into marketplace for stakepools, where Cardano stakeholders can evaluate and rank stake pools across many dimensions important to them and that will exist on top of rewards and performance. Stakeholders then can subscribe to some of these services automatically by delegating their stake to the pool of their choice.
The initial funds will help us to get started with the MVP and market it to the wider audience.
Before we go on building on Cardano infrastructure, we need to make sure that it is slated to encourage technological and geographic decentralization. The best way to achieve that is to introduce a second layer of comparison/ranking, which is what we plan to do.